31 Special Operations Forces troops killed in Afghanistan

mopping up some squirters. This was actually stated pretty early on during the whole event.. but most media decided to run with the rescue of the Rangers instead.
Just curious as to what your opinions are regarding all the photos/names being released (already?) of these fallen warriors.
Just curious as to what your opinions are regarding all the photos/names being released (already?) of these fallen warriors.
I am for it; puts a face to it and more people will relate to a photo then just a name.
It also prevents the tinfoil hat crowd from claiming a cover up (a-la URGENT FURY).

FWIW- SOWF announced that the children of the non-SOF personnel would also get scholarships. Good on them.
They all look so damn young .. different faces then their Army counterparts.
So sad, I still cant get over this.

Hefnd, warriors. we promise.
Just curious as to what your opinions are regarding all the photos/names being released (already?) of these fallen warriors.

This came to mind, too, while reading this quote below. I think you all know who posted this...

In the past, DEVGRU men and other SPECOPS men have been killed in action, but their missions were so secret and so crucial to OPSEC that their deaths were covered-up by the government and attributed to such things as “training accidents” and the like – and I have no problem with that. These men understand going in to intense units such as DEVGRU that OPSEC is paramount, that they will never be publicly acknowledged for their heroism, and that if they are killed or captured in action, the government will lie about that in order to protect OPSEC and to prevent the enemy from gaining a propaganda and morale coup. Compare that reality with what happened today. The Obama regime distributed this information, and the Obama regime’s lapdog press instantly splashed headlines declaring this as the Taliban’s “REVENGE” for the “death of Bin Laden.” As I write this now, the Drudge Report headline in bright red reads, “REVENGE: SEALS WHO GOT OSAMA KILLED IN AFGHANISTAN.”


Who is this woman? And why is she sticking her neck out lick this?

Please let me know if stuff like this are not allowed here so I can remove this.
I can't believe it has been two years... RIP to the Fallen. @TheSiatonist where did you get that picture? They need to fix it-the Aviators weren't 160th.