If shit keeps going south in this country, Killdozers are gonna make a comeback
I just want my son, who identifies as a female meerkat, to grow up in a gun-free world where free college is guaranteed. This warless, borderless world gives everyone equal footing so long as that footprint is carbon neutral. Despite identifying as a female meerkat, he doesn't recognize gender, but does in fact recognize that white men have placed us in this perilous situation. He/ she/ meerkat wants to eliminate the police while living in a crime-free society which is guaranteed by giving everyone everything, no matter their contribution. Workers of the world will unite because work sets you free, unless you don't want to work. That is fine, because someone will be there, somehow, to send you a check every month. The only roadblock to this utopia is Donald Trump, the Constitution, and...things.
Vote early, vote often, vote meerkat. The Democratic People's Republic of Meerkat, In free Shit We Trust.