Not Work Safe .


Part of my work load at job besides being a paramedic/FTO is supply bitch

I have another girl that is involved, she's the senior girl, late 50s, been here 22 years, lazy as fuck.

I am just back to work after my 5 days off, every 2 weeks, we get 5 off straight, same as cops on the roles.

The supply room was a fucking shit show, need things, had to send email to boss to order shit. The kicker, senior lazy girl is opposite platoon of mine, so, she's here.

So, I'm venting to my supervisor, our Cap.

In addition, there's a possibility that I'm being groomed for the clinical coordinator position, ours just left to go to Lancaster County.

He gives me this pin to prep me for that and response to me venting about lazy girl.
Still softer than a T10 landing.

Addition humor in the comments of a rigger saying crazy shit like "cut equipment" or "we drop equipment before landing in trees".
Nobody cuts gear on a static line (we lower it) and you specifically KEEP your ruck for protection if landing in trees
Oof, yeah I've seen this one posted around a bit the past couple days. The one bro hit pretty damn hard.