Not Work Safe .

Personal or professional?

Funny story. My pops has a spinal cord injury from 1981, electrocuted working on the city bus. Given opiods, been on them since, he's very responsible with them, no issues.

Pharmacy insists on him having narcan in his home, he lives by himself. If he ODs, who gives the narcan?

Fucking retards.
Funny story. My pops has a spinal cord injury from 1981, electrocuted working on the city bus. Given opiods, been on them since, he's very responsible with them, no issues.

Pharmacy insists on him having narcan in his home, he lives by himself. If he ODs, who gives the narcan?

Fucking retards.
Anytime the St. Louis VA sends out opioids. They include narcan with it.
Not sure if this goes in the "Feds" or "Recruiting" thread.

The Dot Thread is supposed to be the NSFW catch-all of inappropriate memes.

That said…

This thread is a public portion of our Forum that is viewable by anyone; to included those who may be coming here for advice about a future Military career.

Can we please back off the visually/verbally explicit and in some cases borderline racist posts a bit?

Just because it’s a ‘gay/trans’ joke does not mean it belongs in this thread…military related ones that might have some relevant humor? Of course, but some of the stuff posted the past few weeks cross the line of decency, even for this thread.

I’m not going to take the time to have individual conversations with every member about this; so if you notice a missing post or you find yourself unable to post in the thread for 24 hours…take the hint.

To paraphrase Supreme Court Justice Potter Stewart in 1964:
"I shall not today attempt further to define the kinds of material I understand to be embraced... but know it when I see it ..."

To add: My sincere appreciation to two former Admins here who from time-to-time send me the occasional heads-up and/or guidance. This is literally (and I know how to use the word literally) a thankless job; so I appreciate those of you who in the spirit of maintaining the integrity of this forum, still give of your time and energy.
@Ooh-Rah Is a daily Bible verse spam. I can see your point on the yt post. However, as an NSFW post. How is a Bible verse not suitable? Not trying to be a 100% dick. Just have the one question. So I can better contribute in future posts.
We’re going to move forward and get back on topic … whatever that is.

Everyone please just follow the advice of my good friend Rambo, he won’t lead you astray! Watch to the end for a similar message directed at the GenZ members of the group!
