37F and Stop Loss.

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May 29, 2019
Eugene, OR
I am a DLAB Test and trip to MEPS away from enlisting as a 37F. The minimum enlistment time for this is 3 years active duty + AIT; meaning 3 years, 43 weeks in total.

My questions pertains to 37F and stop-loss. I am being told by someone in Civil Affairs that the military is currently very much in need of PSYOP soldiers. I am also being told that if I sign a 3 year active duty contract stop-loss would almost certainly be invoked and I would be forced into a much longer stint in the army. Does anyone else know how true this is/if this is true?
My recruiter gave me a list of all MOS and their minimum enlistment time, PULHES requirements, special requirements etc.

37F says 36 Months + AIT.
As far as who is telling me the above, my girlfriend has a friend in Civil Affairs. He is currently deployed to the Middle East.
They’re still stoplossing people in 2019? Why? Who are we fighting that we need to stop loss?
I am being told by someone in Civil Affairs

As far as who is telling me the above, my girlfriend has a friend in Civil Affairs. He is currently deployed to the Middle East.

Way to bury the lead my friend. This is the type of info you put into your OP....so it can be locked down faster.

Going forward, please use source material slightly more reliable than “ my girlfriend’s friend” and share that info early so it does not look like it is coming from a direct source.

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