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- Nov 3, 2020
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A lot of that becomes harder to accept when we start looking at linguistic anthropological principles of drift. But I get what you’re saying. The only departure I’d throw out there is that contrary to popular belief, PSYOP isn’t really about information warfare. It’s about environmental pressure, which goes back to validate your original macro-viewpoint. We use Lewin’s Heuristic Equation after mission analysis to unpack and answer the two questions “what do I want them to do (exactly)” and “how are *we* going to make them do it”. It’s about applying the right pressure in the right context to the right place at the right time.Chortle. You're not one of them Soultrean Migration Hypothesis academics are you?(kidding)
Long story short, three separate migration waves of humanity to Americas starting 12-16,000 years ago. Every 4-5 thousand years there is some technological evolution and some sort of population/environmental pressure cause people to move from the old world to the new.
First wave of humans are either wiped out, out competed, or assimilated by second wave with newer technology, we don't really know. Same thing happens to the second wave. Though the third wave has a piece of technology that was developed on the Asian steppe. Ie bows and arrows. The third wave dominates the Americas, except for a few holdouts, until European explorers arrive with a higher technological tier (also disease) and are in turn conquered.
We're seeing the exact same thing except in this case the tool is the internet. As technology evolves so does the timeline in which changes occurs.
Most think if we want people to stop using a bridge (for example), we’d use communication to convince a population that the other bridge is safer. Or that this one is haunted. Or all the popular kids use the other bridge. Or whatever. But after analyzing the mission, a good Black Knight might recommend simply blowing the damned thing up.