Read through the thread and got some clarification, however its been a while since the last posting and quite frankly I still have some questions but rather than starting another post I was hoping someone could help here.
As I've posted before I'm currently in the Marines and an Enabler within MARSOC. Coming up on my last year and realized its time for me to move on. Worked with CCT's on this last deployment and I was very impressed and interested in the overall mission and capabilities that Controllers bring to the table. So just to clear that up before someone goes on that my initial post here, years ago, was looking for information on being an Enabler in MARSOC; now you know.
I met with a recruiter today, he was a Special Operations recruiter, talked through prepping for the PAST and all that, what I need to work on to possibly exercise a conditional release. He mentioned this 8 week prep course as being something for PS, which after reading this I see may not be the truth.... SO has anything changed with that since July?
Also another question I have is the actual school layout, it was mentioned that you attend A&S and then Indoc... I actually thought those were one in the same. Can someone specify for a crayon eater?
Lastly, I already have Basic Airborne and full spectrum done, obviously I wont be repeating Airborne, but what about the full spectrum?
Thanks in advance for any clarification