92G Opt. 40 Questions

Your recruiter can only see what is available to his recruiting BN. The career counselor at the MEPS who secures your contract has the ability to borrow and swap allocations with other recruiting BNs. When I got my RGV4 contract at LA MEPS (that was 11x Option 40 back in 1993) I was in the career counselor's office till about 1800. After trying to sell me on every other MOS in RGT, and me telling him to get me 11x RGV4 or tell his boss how he let a grad male alpha walk out, he finally got an 11x contract for the following quarter from a recruiting BN in another state.
Recruiters and career counselors are forced to push the MOS' that are on the hot seat that month, and they try to avoid DEP because recruits quit during DEP. I signed in JAN for an APR seat and shipped in APR no problem.