Verified Military
Yep, that's a Harsey/Reeve "Green Beret"
What did ya pay ???
Nice, H! Ain't it fun watching (daily) treasures pass by at the shop? :cool: And grabbing them when ya can.
Oh, Yeah... H-
If you bring that to Blade West, Mr. Harsey may have his etcher and scratch up the finish for you.
Blade West is in Portland this weekend, get that over to Harsey. It looks like the 5.5". Something about the sheath is screaming not CRK/SpecOps... There have been counterfeits on the market, and the first clue is that the sheath is not SpecOps (there were a few Y's sent out with Blackhawk sheaths very early on). The counterfeits were good, with the CRK stamp and the Harsey stamp... the steel sucked, it wasn't CPM-S30V.
(You realize this is just a way to get you to Blade West to keep me from spending any $$$ on sharp pointy objects)