Act of Valor star writes....a book

The SEALs are truly becoming the laughing stock/joke of the Spec Ops community.

Yes, it is not good for the community. It's actually a disgrace, but with that being said, be careful who you publicly ridicule. We all have our 10%. I have worked with every Special Operations/Mission units in the U.S. arsenal and we can more than hold our own against any of them.
I don't blame the SEALs, so much as their PAO. The few memoir-writers not withstanding.
be careful who you publicly ridicule.
Make no mistake, I would be just as pissed and disgusted if former Rangers that served the 75th started doing the same shit. Im an equal opportunity criticizer.

The unit, SOCOM, and the DOD had better put their foot down and put an end to this kind of shit. Otherwise it's only going to continue and it will only get worse. And then when a book does get released that has classified shit in it, everyone's going to point their fat fingers at everyone but themselves. "how did this happen?"

What is happening is a joke and disgrace to the entire Spec Ops community and not just the SEALs. We all look bad.
Agreed, we also need to start going after all the damn higher ups that leak info like crazy as well....if I hear one more time "spoke on condition of anonymity" when details are leaked literally minutes after an operation, I am gonna scream. That's not the operators doing it!!!
Some folks I'm associated with in this community are not impressed nor amused by their new found fame at the benefit of a bunch of bottom feeders (Hollywierdos) and politicians. I personally would like to see this slow down and the parasites find some other topic to make money on. Some senior officers who are friends are none to happy with the buy off of certain top command elements for open disclosure provided as well. I further think it is disrespectful, undermines and reduces their ability to operate on our behalf as a nation. All these whannbees need to go to the Navy recruitment station and sign up if they want to do it so damn bad. Reminds when Baldwin played Gen. Doolittle in the movie "Pearl Harbor". I got up and walked out of theater. Fucking libtard coward playing Gen Doolittle, give me a break. He needs his teeth smashed out with a bat for that one.
The wars are winding down, and we shall see another wave of books. I still find it interesting that my bookstore's shelves are lined with bookas about Marines, and SEALs; with a few Army/AF thrown in.

I doubt we sill see many AF Books, as air-power is (and has been) an enabler and not a major player.