Advanced TACP questions


Sep 25, 2016
These are some questions my JTAC contacts have been unable to answer... Once at the TACP school how do you request to go to Airborne school?
Once you have graduated the schoolhouse how are you able to go to auxiliary schools such as Combat Lifesaver or USAF Combat Diver?
Are you able to 'volunteer' to go to the Middle East, in terms of not getting stationed in a place like South Korea?
These are some questions my JTAC contacts have been unable to answer... Once at the TACP school how do you request to go to Airborne school?
Once you have graduated the schoolhouse how are you able to go to auxiliary schools such as Combat Lifesaver or USAF Combat Diver?
Are you able to 'volunteer' to go to the Middle East, in terms of not getting stationed in a place like South Korea?
I am sure @CDG or one of the other TACP dudes on the board will be with you shortly.

In the meantime, you should really be worrying about getting good grades, PT, and just getting into the Air Force, not what "cool" school you get once you're in the TACP pipeline. Just my 2 pennies.

I haven't actually heard of TACPs going to dive- I guess if you were working for an ASOS you could get there, I just haven'e ver heard of that.
Dude, if I had a dollar for every guy that professes to wanting this job, but then only asks questions about schools, I would have a lot of dollars. You're focusing on the wrong things, and this really gets old when you hear it from every new guy or wannabe.

That being said, you do not get to request Airborne. The top 1 or 2 guys will sometimes get slots, but it's generally left to the ASOSs to decide who goes. The only TACPs that get dive are at STSs or other assignments that won't be discussed here.

Everyone in this AFSC wants to go to the Middle East. You will get sent where ACC needs you to go.
Thanks for the response. These are some of the few questions that my JTAC friends don't have the answers to. I'll be updating you all in a few months when I make it.
Thanks for the response. These are some of the few questions that my JTAC friends don't have the answers to. I'll be updating you all in a few months *IF* I make it.
Fixed it for you. Statistically, you won't make it. Speaking as if it is a foregone conclusion devalues the process and makes me think less of you.

Just being honest.
Thanks for the response. These are some of the few questions that my JTAC friends don't have the answers to. I'll be updating you all in a few months when I make it.

I'm not sure why your "JTAC friends" wouldn't have those answers, unless they are JTACs in another service. Regardless, good luck. The odds are not in your favor and they decrease as your attitude increases.
I'm not sure why your "JTAC friends" wouldn't have those answers, unless they are JTACs in another service. Regardless, good luck. The odds are not in your favor and they decrease as your attitude increases.
They are both in the ANG so didn't really get to go to auxiliary schools after graduation.
Was looking at the duty station locations and used to have a link (now broken- 404) for it in the TACP training guide. Does anybody have a link that works for that?
Is there a specific place you're curious about?
Not really, just trying to get a feel for where it's possible to be stationed. Would like to be in Colorado or Utah if that's even a possibility. But that all depends on where the AF sends me. Just not to interested in being stationed overseas like Japan or South Korea.
Not really, just trying to get a feel for where it's possible to be stationed. Would like to be in Colorado or Utah if that's even a possibility. But that all depends on where the AF sends me. Just not to interested in being stationed overseas like Japan or South Korea.
Colorado is a possibility, but so is Korea.
Not really, just trying to get a feel for where it's possible to be stationed. Would like to be in Colorado or Utah if that's even a possibility. But that all depends on where the AF sends me. Just not to interested in being stationed overseas like Japan or South Korea.

You will fill out a dreamsheet at the Schoolhouse. Whether or not you get any of those choices is mostly up to the USAF, and partially up to you. The best performers have a better chance of getting what they want. Japan is not a possibility, and neither is Utah.
Thanks for the info CDG! Figured it was similar to the dreamsheet at Lackland during BMT.