An armed guy walks into a Walmart....


SOF Support
Feb 27, 2014
Military Mentor
With regards to the off duty firefighter that held up a guy at Walmart who had body armor and an AR, did the "suspect" actually commit any crimes other than inciting fear? Could the firefighter be charged with unlawful detention?
With regards to the off duty firefighter that held up a guy at Walmart who had body armor and an AR, did the "suspect" actually commit any crimes other than inciting fear? Could the firefighter be charged with unlawful detention?
Inciting fear/disorderly conduct/disturbing the peace...I'm sure the LEOs here could come up with some others. Regardless of his intent, it was fucking stupid.

No chance the firefighter would not be charged, especially in today's climate.
He apparently was recording himself shopping? Either he was planning to do harm and record it for the world to see, or he was one of those guys who go out and record themselves doing public demonstrations of open carry. But having over 100 rounds of ammunition, me thinks the first option. Either way, stupid to do.
Considering this wasn't just having a pistol on your hip and have been wearing it all day he had a plan. There is video of him in the parking lot putting everything on. However I see them digging into his background and just getting a slap on the wrist. He's lucky he didn't pay the stupid tax.

Here's one with his face not blurred...just in case you run into him.

Looks like a dweeb mall ninja. My guess is, if he were planning to kill he would've started killing with the off-duty fire fighter. As it is, he'll get a shitload of charges, get a check-up from the neck up and be back on the street next week pending court appearances.

Pulling a stunt like this right after a mass shooting at Walmart, he needs a fucking bullet right between the peepers.

Honestly, under the circumstances, if I were at Walmart carrying and some dude sauntered in with that get-up, I'd have that 1911 out and pointed at his face.

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Is it illegal to wear that? Or are we just going to start pointing guns at people dressed in a way we don't like?
Illegal to wear? No. Fucking stupid? Hell, yeah!

And keep in mind it wasn't just how he was dressed, it was also that this douche canoe had an AR strapped to him along with a pistol. Context is important and just because something is legal doesn't necessarily make it a good idea.

Kudos to the firefighter for drawing down on him.
I agree with @BloodStripe on this, assuming the guy had all the proper documents he isn't breaking any laws that we can see.

Is he a raging cunt with no situational awareness that only buys 5.11 while hugging a ΜΟΛΩΝ ΛΑΒΕ body pillow? Yeah, probably.

But the guy is only guilty of being an asshole.
Illegal to wear? No. Fucking stupid? Hell, yeah!

And keep in mind it wasn't just how he was dressed, it was also that this douche canoe had an AR strapped to him along with a pistol. Context is important and just because something is legal doesn't necessarily make it a good idea.

Kudos to the firefighter for drawing down on him.

So again, are we just going to point weapons at people dressed a way we don't like? I agree that he's a fucking dumb ass, but the firefighter is just that, a firefighter not a police officer. Unless he was breaking a law, we can't just run around pointing guns at people, that's called assault.
So again, are we just going to point weapons at people dressed a way we don't like?


We should incorporate mandatory buybacks so law abiding citizens can voluntarily surrender their personal property so the property doesn’t hurt others.

The Left’s gun grab is just a smokescreen: they really want to confiscate our cars, which kill and injure way more Americans than guns. We must protect the children!
I would like to beat him with a baseball bat until I get tired and then rest a little and then beat him some more.

Clowns like that do nothing to fight for "their 2A rights" but they do hurt them! Congratulations idiot. Job well done.
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The firefighter is lucky in that the other guy didn't shoot him. Missouri is a stand your ground state. You point a weapon at me, I'm going to say my life is in danger.

Missouri Self-Defense Laws - FindLaw
Similarly, the guy is lucky the firefighter exercised self control. I'm sure he wouldn't receive much criticism and, I almost guarantee, no prosecutor would bring charges had he decided to put a few rounds into the guys face.
Walking around with open carry is now a justifiable reason to use deadly force? Man, glad I don't live around you guys. Could you imagine how many more people would die by guns if we just shot every law abiding citizen who was carrying a firearm?

If you are talking to me, I didn't say or imply that. But, I do think he is probably one of the same tools that gripes about LE dressing like that because they are too "militarized." I see people open carry all the time and never ever contemplate using deadly force on them. But hey, to each their own.
If you are talking to me, I didn't say or imply that. But, I do think he is probably one of the same tools that gripes about LE dressing like that because they are too "militarized." I see people open carry all the time and never ever contemplate using deadly force on them. But hey, to each their own.
Negative brother, it was for @Blizzard. While hard to take the side of the dumb ass, I don't think we should be allowed to shoot whomever we want just because. We are a land of laws and until it is illegal to carry, we shouldn't have open season on law abiding citizens.
Negative brother, it was for @Blizzard. While hard to take the side of the dumb ass, I don't think we should be allowed to shoot whomever we want just because. We are a land of laws and until it is illegal to carry, we shouldn't have open season on law abiding citizens.

Gotcha. Sorry if it came across as me being a tool.:( I do agree wholeheartedly with you concerning this quoted post. Personally, I hate when people do what that guy did. If he wants to open carry in Walmart, there are ways to do it without being a tool. There are some things that "just because one can do it" doesn't necessarily mean they *should* as I believe the case to be with this guy. I just think he could make his point in a better way to where even gun supporters like myself don't find him to be acting like a clown.

But, at the end of the doesn't mean he should be shot for it either....:sneaky:
Negative brother, it was for @Blizzard. While hard to take the side of the dumb ass, I don't think we should be allowed to shoot whomever we want just because. We are a land of laws and until it is illegal to carry, we shouldn't have open season on law abiding citizens.
I understand your viewpoint and, in principle, you're not wrong. However, as I said earlier, context is everything (saddling up in the parking lot of a Walmart and strolling on in while filming himself....that's not normal behavior). If a person is stupid enough to put themselves into this situation given recent events of the past week or so, no one should be surprised if someone else challenges and possibly shoots that person dead on the spot. Maybe the shooter would technically be in the wrong but the ding-dong would be dead. Lose-lose. Actions have consequences. Do you think any prosecutor would bring charges in this circumstance? I don't.
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