An armed guy walks into a Walmart....

Is it illegal to wear that? Or are we just going to start pointing guns at people dressed in a way we don't like?

You're minimizing the perception. Look at that kid. He walks into a Walmart a week after two mass shootings--one at a Walmart--geared up like see him and you're going to think, hey, this is normal? Just another good citizen exercising his 2A rights? All I'm saying is under those circumstances, my hand is on my gun and I'm mentally prepping for contact or flight.

Do you think the off-duty firefighter should not have intervened? If that kid didn't intend to kill anybody, he was at least sure to set off a panic.
Can we say scrambling for an excuse for a hopefully, eventually, terminal case of stupid?


An armed man who caused panic at a Walmart in Missouri says it was a 'social experiment'

Agree it wasn’t smart but DA Patterson’s assertion that the accused’s ACTIONS were equivalent to SPEECH is a bit of a reach.

Here’s same story from NYP but different spin.

Man who walked into Walmart with ‘tactical rifle’ says he was testing 2nd amendment

An article about MO’s terrorist threat law:

Here's How Missouri Law Defines Making A Terrorist Threat, Second Degree

I think criminalizing the conduct lawful activities will make for an interesting precedent.

Personally, I wouldn't open carry (where lawful) in a building (outside of Alaska) because presence of gun minus badge scares people. Concealed, in my opinion, is the way to go and don’t see any advantage over open.
Isn’t there a recording from the phone of the AR carrier? I only ask because from an article I read and now am having trouble finding the fireman initially approached the person, asked a question or questions then drew. If that is accurate, I believe from the woman in the car perspective, was he justified in drawing and holding the AR person there if there was a lot of chaos going on from the AR person?

I guess if the phone was still recording that would probably answer more questions.
If everyone carried an AR15 there wouldn't be mass shootings.

That said, I haven't seen a video or read the story so my opinion is moot. I was not a fan of the open carry Texas movement, I think they caused a lot of uproar, however they did get some towns to get right on the laws of the State and they did get some laws changed. So I guess it wasn't all bad.

It's one thing to have a weapon chow slung, or in a holster as you are out doing whatever, it's another thing to have it slung at the ready walking around being a tactical clownshoe. In todays social setting people have to be situationally aware and on guard. If that means a dumbass doing dumbass shit right after two mass shootings gets a gun put in his face, well it's better than the alternative.
The kid made a poor decision upon poor judgement.

It’s a poor argument to say are we going to point weapons at people based on how they’re dressed? No, not at all. However we might point guns at someone based on their threat posture. I mean it’s not an outfit, who wakes up and looks at their clothes and thinks “I’ll wear my plates so I can get extra warm and sling my rifle so it can get in the way of me carrying things or bounce off my legs with every step”?

Plate carrier, AR15 with mag inserted and ready for draw, he was attempting to make a statement. Unbeknownst to me, however that’s a bad move.

I’m all for my AR’s and having them around, but I don’t go around striking fear in mostly unarmed civilians. It’s unbecoming and unprofessional. If you’re that afraid of Walmart, you shouldn’t shop at Walmart.

Plus I sure get sick and tired of wearing plates and toting my M4 around for no reason at all, why would anyone want to do it in civie mode?

Did the civilian make the right call? He is a firefighter but he is off duty, he’s not acting as a firefighter.

Should he have confronted the kid unarmed and risk having a weapon in his face? Should he draw on the kid and risk a charge on himself based on his personal assessment of the risk to the greater population around him?
Would the kid been friendly and clear he is expressing his rights? Would he quickly agitate and raise his weapon?

All we know for certain is the man who confronted the kid carried for protection and was not a threat to the public, we do not know the kids intent. Based off their posture.

I may be wrong, maybe I’m not.

I like my guns, I like your guns.