Anti-police activist sees things from Cop's point of view...


Sep 12, 2012
About five minutes long and very telling. There is one scenario in particular that actually made me jump a bit - you'll know the one.

Thanks to the law enforcement members of this board.

What is the "right" play for the truck scene?

A lot of respect for the activist going through the scenarios? How about a lot of respect for the LEOs that deal with that shit on a regular basis and have to make decisions that they could possibly not walk away from?
A lot of respect for the activist going through the scenarios? How about a lot of respect for the LEOs that deal with that shit on a regular basis and have to make decisions that they could possibly not walk away from?

Since Cornelius Hogeboom was shot while serving a writ in New York in 1791, there have been 23,952 LE line of duty deaths in the U.S.

In all states the top cause has been gunfire by a wide margin.

Line of Duty Deaths by State

I would be very surprised if these statistics are ever mentioned at an anti police pep rally.
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Now he needs to understand the mental/emotional stress of going out on the street where he could actually be shot at any time.

At least we can decompress in the months between our deployments, cops only have a day or maybe a few hours between shifts.

Living your life through those types of ups and downs must be crazy stressful.
I actually disagree with allowing a pussy ass bitch take part in a "scenario" so that the protector can justify his actions to the protected...I'd rather the cops just smack the fool and carry on. But the world we live in today...
Now he needs to understand the mental/emotional stress of going out on the street where he could actually be shot at any time.

At least we can decompress in the months between our deployments, cops only have a day or maybe a few hours between shifts.

Living your life through those types of ups and downs must be crazy stressful.
Heart conditions among police officers are considered job related no matter what your family history is. The job is just that stressful.
At least good on him for going through it once when most would not.

I give %120 to cops for putting up with that shit on a daily basis.
Have a friend on leave atm.He was in the Falklands then went to paramedic then a LEO.I agree.

Not sure how it is in Canukistan but in the US most, if not all, departments treat heart conditions as an OTJ injury. Goes toward medical retirement if it's bad enough.
All I know is that he is on forced leave.On 2 BP meds and was in a neuro surgery ward for 4 days-massive headache got him there among other things. His partners neck was slashed outside an Ottawa hospital by an ex-RCMP. What does OTJ stand for? I treasure and respect all first responders.