Any golfers on here?


John 3:16
Verified SOF
Oct 4, 2015
Picked up a new ping g30 SF (straight flight) Driver and a set of ping g400 irons. I am hoping the driver will help with my wicked slice and the irons will add a little distance.

Been playing with a old set of ping eye 2s for many years and a calaway big bertha driver. They are a little outdated to say the least. Switched from stiff shafts to regular shafts as well since my swing speed ain't what it use to be.

Wish me luck because as soon as it warms up I plan on playing a lot.

Used to golf a lot with my dad, now I try and get out every now and then when it's warm out either spending the day on the range or walking an 18. I like the peace and quiet of it all, plus drinking beer and hitting something as far as you can is always fun.

I use a Walter Hagen T3 set he had bought for me a few years back with a Ben Hogan putter that was handed down to me, it's not the nicest set but it does the job perfectly fine for me and I couldn't see myself replacing it outside of a club break.

Now that I think about it Wednesday is supposed to be 63, pobably be a good idea to get out and get some tee time.
I have Ping G20 irons that I can't hit for crap. I traded in my TaylorMade R7 for and lost distance and accuracy. I'm still playing my Big Bertha woods and only a few years ago stopped using a Ping Zing putter that my grandfather won in a golf tournament back the early 80's.

My last few months in the Marines I played 36 holes a day on the course down at Lejeune. We got back from Iraq in late May and they made an EAS platoon for all of us were NCO's getting out as they had already started building up for their next deployment in November. As such, there wasn't much to do for three months but golf. Got down to a 6 handicap. I'm probably around a 16 now as I only play five or six times a year anymore.
I gave up the ghost on playing some years ago. Drove a club into the ground while practicing and the vibrations fucked me up so bad I could barely move most of the summer. One of the problems I ran into was that my BIL is a golf-pro. That got me on courses I had no business playing on.

TopGolf is opening an outdoor center this summer, I may tempt the gods and hit a bucket of balls.
I'd pick it back up, but it costs an arm and a leg to play in FL and you're among some of the rudest assholes to walk the planet.
I play to a 12 right now. Last season was cut short due to my injury and surgery ending pretty much everything physical until a few months ago. I only played twice last year and hoping to play more this year.

I play the Taylor Made Tour Preferred MC irons, which I am getting rid of this year since they are too good for me.
Tiger is one off the lead (NBC).

This is so much damn fun...Said CBS thinking advertising fees for the upcoming Masters.