Hey, I'm a Marine Scout Sniper, and was wondering if I a recent Army sniper could exchange some emails about his job. I'm curious what the difference between Marines and Army snipers. Thanks
Hahaha Do you know which Mod is the Marine
Hey, I'm a Marine Scout Sniper, and was wondering if I a recent Army sniper could exchange some emails about his job. I'm curious what the difference between Marines and Army snipers. Thanks
non B4 but in a sustainment program? Id like to talk to you as well SirI am not calling you a liar or anything bro, I just don’t share info like that unless I know the person is who they say he is. The staff can vett you by AKO or whatever the USMC equivalent is, or you could talk with SgtUSMC8541 give him school dates or whatever and see if he will vouch/help get you vetted.
I am not a B4 school grad, but I spent just under 3 years in a Sniper section and also taught Sniper Sustainment for deploying reserves/National Guard. It’s been a couple of years but I am more than willing to give you the poop on the Army side (once your vetted).
non B4 but in a sustainment program? Id like to talk to you as well Sir
Nobody share one nugget of anything whether it be on here or via PM until he is vetted, or you will serve to discredit yourself and this site as well as the US Army Sniper School.