So radio recon Marines is intel writ large? That's good to know, I thought they were only SIGINTers.
So radio recon Marines is intel writ large? That's good to know, I thought they were only SIGINTers.
They're SIGINT.
The SOT-A course has run 3 classes thus far I believe.
A few more were scheduled for after Feb. but I have heard RUMINT that it was stopped...Lindy?
Their program... get infil/exfil via any method whereas we're pretty much ruck, truck, or oh ffffffffuuuuuuudddddgggggeeeeee.
SOT-As no more need MFF or CDQC than a light wheeled mechanic or armorer in Group needs ABN. The same holds true for the Marines who do the same job, IMHO.
However if you hang around the right ODAs you may pickup a slot or two to HAVEACE . lol
I strongly disagree brother. To be blunt, MFF is just a way to get to work (yes, there is more to it than just Newton's discovery).