Beer! (From the MRE thread)

I grew up with Yuengling and still drink it. People where I live now act like it is some kind of micro-brew so I started calling it Pennsylvania Budweiser! :D

lol that's funny....I wouldn't go that far to call to a micro brew but they have definitely created a niche for themselves by regulating distribution. Now that is something I could get behind this administration about......screw health care for everyone...YEUNGLING FOR EVERYONE!!!!!!!!
I grew up with Yuengling and still drink it. People where I live now act like it is some kind of micro-brew so I started calling it Pennsylvania Budweiser! :D

Yeungling is good stuff... In NY, we got the Rock, an occasional Old Frothingslosh, and IC... we had to travel to get Yeungling... usually the budget handled Piels Real Draft or Rolling Rock (previously referred to in this post as 'the rock')... or ......... Schaeffer...
Yeungling is good stuff... In NY, we got the Rock, an occasional Old Frothingslosh, and IC... we had to travel to get Yeungling... usually the budget handled Piels Real Draft or Rolling Rock (previously referred to in this post as 'the rock')... or ......... Schaeffer...

Rolling Rock was sold and they shut down the Latrobe brewery a while back. Pissed a lot of local folks off. IC is terrible. Yuengling Lager and Porter are good to go, as are their Oktoberfest and Bock.
I grew up with Yuengling and still drink it. People where I live now act like it is some kind of micro-brew so I started calling it Pennsylvania Budweiser! :D

So good, there was a time when I was clamoring to get my hands on Yuengling as I swear PA was the only place I could find it. Still a great beer, but hipsters have ruined it and are turning it into the new PBR. I admit though I am a bit of a beer snob though and love IPA's and stuff being put out by Anchorage Brewing, Prairie Ale and the likes.
I figured we were detracting from the MRE thread with the beer ramblings and decided to make it a thread of its own, as we all know it can takup a boad of its own!

So good, there was a time when I was clamoring to get my hands on Yuengling as I swear PA was the only place I could find it. Still a great beer, but hipsters have ruined it and are turning it into the new PBR. I admit though I am a bit of a beer snob though and love IPA's and stuff being put out by Anchorage Brewing, Prairie Ale and the likes.

I remember when it was PA only, then the Tampa brewery opened, and then the second Pottsville plant opened. If you haven't been on a tour of the original brewery, go. Some pretty cool history and stories regarding Dick Yuengling.

Being stationed in te pacific northwest ruined beer for me. It started with Alaskan Brewing and went downhill from there. Now I get made fun of, mostly by guys I was at 2/75 with because one day I'll be drinking PBR and the next it could be Founders Porter. PBR is about the only "shit" beer I will drink, next to maybe a few other PA beers like Straub.

Troll got us hooked on Moose Drool and it's rare to find it in this podunk town (or any good beer). My absolute favorites are Kodiak Nut Brown Ale and Moose Tooth Hard Apple Ale (only found in the Anchorage/Wasilla area). The plastic jug means you can bring it to the fairgrounds.:sneaky:

Although in the fridge right now is Icehouse, cheap and decent alcohol content.:hmm:

$8 for a 12-pack at the Class VI! :thumbsup:

I will have to have you killed now. Nothing personal, I can't get Yeungling here, and you get it for $8 a half rack... this is unfair and so you should die, I hate killing decent support guys, especially SOTAs... but you deserve it, sorry.

My name is Inigo Montoya, you drank my Yeungling, prepare to die.
For now, Sierra Nevada (Pale when it's hot, Stout when it's not) is my "patrol base" of beer, from which I venture out and hit targets of opportunity.

PBR is my "river beer" - quantity over quality; though PBR on draught is surprisingly good.
I figured we were detracting from the MRE thread with the beer ramblings and decided to make it a thread of its own, as we all know it can takup a boad of its own!

I remember when it was PA only, then the Tampa brewery opened, and then the second Pottsville plant opened. If you haven't been on a tour of the original brewery, go. Some pretty cool history and stories regarding Dick Yuengling.

Being stationed in te pacific northwest ruined beer for me. It started with Alaskan Brewing and went downhill from there. Now I get made fun of, mostly by guys I was at 2/75 with because one day I'll be drinking PBR and the next it could be Founders Porter. PBR is about the only "shit" beer I will drink, next to maybe a few other PA beers like Straub.

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Yeah PBR is also the only shite beer I'll drink as well.

Great call on Alaskan and Founders! Great breweries, there is a brewery and the name is alluding me but they make a sessionable Saison that is super fucking tasty!

I want some of that beer in a jug and love New Belgium, it's the only "hipster" thing about me but I love my beer good and tasty.
I will have to have you killed now. Nothing personal, I can't get Yeungling here, and you get it for $8 a half rack... this is unfair and so you should die, I hate killing decent support guys, especially SOTAs... but you deserve it, sorry.

My name is Inigo Montoya, you drank my Yeungling, prepare to die.
You must not like it that much, you didn't even spell it right.:-":D
I wouldn't touch PBR with a ten foot long rubber hose. You can pour that shit right back in the horse (preach it, Mae West!).

Some of the older members here are well acquainted with my love of Sam Adams O'fest, but I definitely like what comes out of Louisiana's Abita Springs brewery. Purple Haze is delicious, bottle or (especially) draft, and the strawberry harvest ale is good. I saw a grapefruit ale, but I don't like grapefruit so I haven't tried it.
I wouldn't touch PBR with a ten foot long rubber hose. You can pour that shit right back in the horse (preach it, Mae West!).

Some of the older members here are well acquainted with my love of Sam Adams O'fest, but I definitely like what comes out of Louisiana's Abita Springs brewery. Purple Haze is delicious, bottle or (especially) draft, and the strawberry harvest ale is good. I saw a grapefruit ale, but I don't like grapefruit so I haven't tried it.
Uhh Racing, definitely gonna need some of the purple haze, when I've had it I've enjoyed it thoroughly.
Now I get made fun of, mostly by guys I was at 2/75 with because one day I'll be drinking PBR and the next it could be Founders Porter. PBR is about the only "shit" beer I will drink

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As seen one day, on the menu, in a restaurant, under the beverage selections:

Miller Lite
Sam Adams
Pabst Blue Ribbon (They Make Us Sell It)

I laughed my ass off......
You must not like it that much, you didn't even spell it right.:-":D

Who fed your husband while he was up here alone? :hmm: Hmmmmmmmmmm? Who took him out to play in the woods, swim in the lake and have fun? :-":p
He does eat like a bird... birds eat nearly their bodyweight in food every day....