Beer! (From the MRE thread)

For now, Sierra Nevada (Pale when it's hot, Stout when it's not) is my "patrol base" of beer, from which I venture out and hit targets of opportunity.

Sierra Nevada makes good beer! Their Christmas Ale is on of my all time favorites. As far as cheap stuff, it's hard to go wrong with Lone Star on a hot day.
Who fed your husband while he was up here alone? :hmm: Hmmmmmmmmmm? Who took him out to play in the woods, swim in the lake and have fun? :-":p
He does eat like a bird... birds eat nearly their bodyweight in food every day....

Not to mention started the ducky obsession that the Bibby has.:p

You two are good friends are we are lucky to know you.:-)
Not to mention started the ducky obsession that the Bibby has.:p

You two are good friends are we are lucky to know you.:-)

Don't blame me for the rubber ducky obsession... blame Archie McPhee, and the HH6...

I did introduce the bibby to some nice knives though.... she did like them, almost as much as Sasquatch....
I will have to have you killed now. Nothing personal, I can't get Yeungling here, and you get it for $8 a half rack... this is unfair and so you should die, I hate killing decent support guys, especially SOTAs... but you deserve it, sorry.

My name is Inigo Montoya, you drank my Yeungling, prepare to die.

I'll pack some when I head up to "The Emerald City" (always hated that name as a kid)!
Sierra Nevada makes good beer! Their Christmas Ale is on of my all time favorites. As far as cheap stuff, it's hard to go wrong with Lone Star on a hot day.

No Lone Star for you... you must drink.... Pearl... :hmm: or the old style Shiner (not Bock, plain old Shiner) in the heavy metal Red White and Blue cans....
Don't blame me for the rubber ducky obsession... blame Archie McPhee, and the HH6...

I did introduce the bibby to some nice knives though.... she did like them, almost as much as Sasquatch....
Yes, she does like knives. She always wants to help cut things up for dinner.:-/
Great call on Alaskan.

A couple years back I was in Dallas for work and had not seen anything from Alaskan for a decade as I've been on the east coast and in the Midwest since leaving the army. I walk into a gas station and they literally had what looked to be a temple of Alaskan Amber. Almost all of it was purchased and my team drank it the rest of the week. The three six packs that were left were stashed in my carry on and smuggled home.
A couple years back I was in Dallas for work and had not seen anything from Alaskan for a decade as I've been on the east coast and in the Midwest since leaving the army. I walk into a gas station and they literally had what looked to be a temple of Alaskan Amber. Almost all of it was purchased and my team drank it the rest of the week. The three six packs that were left were stashed in my carry on and smuggled home.
When I worked at the Anchorage airport we did ground handling for military flights...including KC-135's full of 45-65 Nation Guard members in the summer. One General brought back 5 cases of various Alaskan brews with him to Tennessee. We always had to laugh at how much was brought back by everyone. The crew chief brought me back real moonshine but I was 6 months pregnant at the time so I passed.
I wouldn't touch PBR with a ten foot long rubber hose. You can pour that shit right back in the horse (preach it, Mae West!).

Some of the older members here are well acquainted with my love of Sam Adams O'fest, but I definitely like what comes out of Louisiana's Abita Springs brewery. Purple Haze is delicious, bottle or (especially) draft, and the strawberry harvest ale is good. I saw a grapefruit ale, but I don't like grapefruit so I haven't tried it.

Why do you own a ten foot long rubber hose?

Sam Adams Boston Lager or Leffe Blonde for me (the latter if going for the meal-in-a-glass beers).
If any of you degenerates make it just North of NYC.... I work next to Great beer! Tours of the brewery... tasting... and in March/April we are opening an indoor range! Another of my favs is
A couple years back I was in Dallas for work and had not seen anything from Alaskan for a decade as I've been on the east coast and in the Midwest since leaving the army. I walk into a gas station and they literally had what looked to be a temple of Alaskan Amber. Almost all of it was purchased and my team drank it the rest of the week. The three six packs that were left were stashed in my carry on and smuggled home.
This is a great up and coming brewery in Anchorage.