Beer! (From the MRE thread)

If any of you degenerates make it just North of NYC.... I work next to Great beer! Tours of the brewery... tasting... and in March/April we are opening an indoor range! Another of my favs is

I keep one of them in the fridge just in case any ShadowSpear members come visiting... and there is usually a Pig's Ass porter around for the same reason...
Ice cold PBR out of a keg or tap is good beer. New Belgium made a raspberry brown called Frambozen that was quite tasty. I also partake in a good deal of local brews from here in Durham to include Fullsteam Brewery. They make a ginger pale ale that it is the bees knees.
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Ice cold PBR out of a keg or tap is good beer. Fat tire made a raspberry brown called Frambozen that was quite tasty. I also partake in a good deal of local brews from here in Durham to include Fullsteam Brewery. They make a ginger pale ale that it is the bees knees.
Wanna send some this way?
Ice cold PBR out of a keg or tap is good beer. Fat tire made a raspberry brown called Frambozen that was quite tasty. I also partake in a good deal of local brews from here in Durham to include Fullsteam Brewery. They make a ginger pale ale that it is the bees knees.

You need to try the stuff from Asheville... there are some good local beers in the area...
We do all the time. Just none have stuck out in deliciousness to me.

If you like dark (porter/stout/dark brown) try Pig's Ass porter from Montana, or Big Sky's Oatmeal Stout or Moose Drool, or Elliott Bay's Stout or Porter or Diesel (Blend).... You really need to visit so we can go on a road trip for beers... I want to get to the Mad Bomber Brewery in Hayden ID, we donated to their kickstarter fund....

Oh, I hate beer, as you can tell...
If you like dark (porter/stout/dark brown) try Pig's Ass porter from Montana, or Big Sky's Oatmeal Stout or Moose Drool, or Elliott Bay's Stout or Porter or Diesel (Blend).... You really need to visit so we can go on a road trip for beers... I want to get to the Mad Bomber Brewery in Hayden ID, we donated to their kickstarter fund....

Oh, I hate beer, as you can tell...
Seriously your beer hate sickens me! ID has some great beers.
You really need to visit so we can go on a road trip for beers...

You know, the other day I was telling my wife how I thought we should take a 4-8 week road trip when I retire from AD in a few years - I think this is going to be the basis for our route.

Hell, if I hype it enough, maybe the breweries will let me park a camper on their property.
If you like dark (porter/stout/dark brown) try Pig's Ass porter from Montana, or Big Sky's Oatmeal Stout or Moose Drool, or Elliott Bay's Stout or Porter or Diesel (Blend).... You really need to visit so we can go on a road trip for beers... I want to get to the Mad Bomber Brewery in Hayden ID, we donated to their kickstarter fund....

Oh, I hate beer, as you can tell...
I may or may not have tried all those:-" There is a big wine/beer/liquor store in Reno we hit up when we are that way. You can do the build-a-six pack so I usually do to try new ones. I also like Bitch Creek Extra Special Brown quite a bit.8-)