Beer! (From the MRE thread)

@pardus - You've mentioned Stone a few times. Have you been able to try their "Enjoy by..." series? The two most recent versions highlighted Tangerines in their IPA...wonderful!!!
Just out of curiosity, anyone have any tips for storing beer in growler format? I found a seasonal huckleberry type beer at a small brewery/pub, next to my haircut place. I bought growler and at the rate I drink, it should last me a month. Was debating getting a few more growlers and building up small supply. But I kept hearing, that growlers only keep the beer fresh for a week. Anyone have any tips for storage in the 3-4 month range?

Growlers don't keep for more than 2 weeks if completely filled, once opened, you have about 36 hours to get it finished before it goes flat and stale.
Kronenbourg 1664 Millesime is my new fave.

Father in law brought some over from Europe on a recent visit; his carry on was a pair of socks, a car magazine, a ditty bag and a six pack of beer. :D:thumbsup:

Its a newer model, kind of buttery, very smooth.
Got into a little Skull Splitter from the Orkney Brewery last night. Can't get it around here so I pick it up when in central Michigan or the Chicago AO.
I like my beer too much to waste it experimenting, so I mostly keep it simple.

Newcastle Scottish Ale (when I can find it)
Red Stripe
Dos Equis Amber with Mexican food
Singha with Thai food

And Yeungling and Shinerbock as runners-up.
Sierra Nevada Pale Ale
Henry Weinhards
Stella Artois
Sam Adams

German Beers, short list:
Paulener Pils
Spaten Pilsner
I'm currently going through a Grolsch phase and enjoying it very much indeed.

@pardus - You've mentioned Stone a few times. Have you been able to try their "Enjoy by..." series? The two most recent versions highlighted Tangerines in their IPA...wonderful!!!

I have not, I'll have to give them a shot.
Had this the other night, and like AC/DC pre Axl Rose, it was pretty damn good!

I have been drinking Stella lately.

I do like it buttttt it seems fattneing.

So any other lighter recommendations?