Only one other person has won BRC twice. That was Sergeant Paul Scurka. That record has stood for 25 years, until this year. SGM Zajkowski equals that record this year with his previous win in 2007.
Congratulations to all the teams and competitors for completing the "Ultimate Gut Check."
Final top 10 standings:
1. SGM Zajkowski, Walter - MSG Turk, Eric - USASOC
2. SSG Cogle, Charles - SPC Broussard, Christopher - 75th Ranger Regiment
3. SFC Santiago, Raymond - SFC Riepe, Mason - Ranger Training Brigade
4. SFC Greenwood, William - SSG Pasciak, John - 75th Ranger Regiment
5. SSG Santo, Jason - SGT Isenberg, John - 75th Ranger Regiment
6. SFC Boesch, David - SSG Payne, Thomas - USASOC
7. 1LT Goodman, Thomas - SSG Achee, Bryan - 4th Infantry Division
8. SFC Higley, Jerry - SFC Wise, Derek - Ranger Training Brigade
9. MSGT Newman, Jamie - SFC Biltz, Jonathon - Ranger Training Brigade
10. CPT Lokker, Nathan - SFC Kaluzny, Conrad - 198th Infantry Brigade
BRC 2011 Complete List Final Standings
As a final note to all this, this year's standout, in my mind, would be SSG Merriken, a Ranger, who was at one time receiving 100% disability for his injuries, and competed in this years competition.
Now I don’t know about you, but I would expect that long road to be a recovery that would allow Kanaan Merriken to live a relatively normal life. The Army had medically retired him by that time. But that wasn’t the road Merriken chose. Merriken’s road to recovery included returning to active duty.
In November 2005, Ranger Kanaan Merriken, after the succesful appeal of his medical retirement, completed the RIP course for the second time (Ranger Indoctrination Program … a requirement for all candidates for duty with the 75th Ranger Regiment). He was selected as the classes’ Honor Graduate and was the leadership award winner.
He has subsequently rejoined the unit he so loves and is again a proud and serving member of the 75th Ranger Regiment.
“Rangers Lead The Way!”