BLM protest, stomp, and spit on flag


Verified SOF
Oct 7, 2011
N. Carolina
SOF Mentor

This is so laden with irony. I wouldn't even know how to approach this situation in real life.

According to them: they hate everything the flag stands for. So they spit, stomp, protest, tell people to go home and f- their dogs, scream "black power.." exercise the very freedoms afforded to them; represented by the flag they stand on. Irony.
There is so much racial empowerment just now, that antiAmerican demonstrations, are expected, protected, and more and more politically correct in today's society. This is a flat, in your face racial hate of America, its ideals, it's people, and the message Dr. King spent a lifetime, and gave his life preaching. So, who are they listening to? Who are the ones pushing these hating people into their anti-American rhetoric and actions? They are not coming up with this on their own, who is leading this hateful behavior? These are the people ISIS cells are looking for in our country. Are we looking at our future mass killing terrorists?
18 U.S. Code § 700 (a (1)) - Desecration of the flag of the United States; penalties:

"Whoever knowingly mutilates, defaces, physically defiles, burns, maintains on the floor or ground, or tramples upon any flag of the United States shall be fined under this title or imprisoned for not more than one year, or both."

I await the forthcoming charges. :rolleyes:
Good men died for their very rights, black, white, yellow, countless races.

Yes, racial tensions are a very prevalent problems, but their privilege of being born and raised, and to live in the USA allows them to exercise their assured freedom to a greater extent than any other place on Earth. It does not cross their minds that their rights are paid for through the blood of men who are willing to pay that price for the country we love.

They should be proud to be Americans, and of the flag. They have it so good here, life could be so much shittier. Hate America? Be a big boy and girl and leave, you're adults.
Fortunately for me and my family, I've yet to physically come across some group stomping old glory. As when I do, there won't be words spoken.

We should start a collection for all those who support just knocking these bitches out, to cover the inevitable legal fees. lol

"go fund me"
these people will cry like the bitches they are when that backlash hits.

There is much truth to this because all of the ones that I have dealt with personally are truly weak sheep when dealt with alone and not within their group. They exercise a group mentality and aren't much to deal with alone.
There is much truth to this because all of the ones that I have dealt with personally are truly weak sheep when dealt with alone and not within their group. They exercise a group mentality and aren't much to deal with alone.

As is the case with all bullies and cowards, regardless of race. United they're empowered. Take that armor away, get them alone and they fold.
Foolishness to feel empowered by simply having a group. A group of pussy ass bitches, is still just a group of pussy ass bitches.

Most belligerent assholes and drunks come at you with that big roundhouse right; you go straight in with a hard left jab or a palm under the chin and it'll be over pretty quick.
Yep...I've always like that "glazed over" look they have in their eyes after the impact. Sort of like telepathetically saying, "I think I just messed up!"

Palm thrust is an instant KO if you come up hard enough. :D:dead:
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Palm jab and upper cut are pretty easy to teach and affective. So is a inside side kick to the knee (knee check). I've had a few bar brawls where, a knee check or a roundhouse to the thigh followed with a 1-2-3 combo, generally renders a knockout/disabled foe and also keeps their buddies from trying the "that's my boy" routine.
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