BLM protest, stomp, and spit on flag

United States v. Eichman

The decision in this case implicated mistreatment acts which are inconsistent with the ideals of the flag and acts likely to damage the symbolic value of the flag.

The color blue, just to take one objective aspect of the flag, symbolizes justice.

The individuals trampling the flag in this instance are doing so in an effort to obtain just treatment for blacks in a method not recognized by our legal system. In fact, the act itself is illegal.


@Hillclimb is right: this drips with irony after just a moment's thought.
The individuals trampling the flag in this instance are doing so in an effort to obtain just treatment for blacks in a method not recognized by our legal system. In fact, the act itself is illegal.
No, it's not.

Texas v. Johnson knocked down flag statues as unconstitutional, and the decision was reaffirmed in United States v. Eichman. This has been settled law for a few decades now.
This has been settled law for a few decades now.

Yep...whosoever may, gets to desecrate our flag at will.

I have learned to laugh at them...not because I don't want to throat punch them, as I certainly do...but, I don't give them the satisfaction of achieving the reaction they desire. Their actions don't help them in the least and its perceived benefits are small, if any.
Yeah, I'm not really down with live and let live bullshit anymore. Being the better man, or trying somehow to internalize bullshit insult's with rational thinking. Maybe its my grayer hair or my lacking of "fucks to give" but I ain't Jesus and I'm pretty well done with trying to turn the other cheek on bullshit. Like I said, its a line in the sand for me, I have no misguided or misunderstanding thoughts about it, just ain't putting up with it. Sometimes you just have to punch an asshole in the mouth...
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No, it's not.

Texas v. Johnson knocked down flag statues as unconstitutional, and the decision was reaffirmed in United States v. Eichman. This has been settled law for a few decades now.

By that rationale, the US flag may symbolize or mean anything one happens to wish it to, therefore justifying any manner of mistreatment and disgrace and ultimately implying legal non-meaning.

I stand corrected.
That's the nature of symbols.

Any anger directed at the protesting, stomping and spitting on the abstraction that is the flag is not at all objectively reasonable or worthwhile, therefore.

Which means that one should look to the actual BLM manifesto, or the legality of the protester's other actions, should one have any issue with them.
The majority in US vs Eichman included Scalia (Conservative) and Kennedy (Conservative to Libertarian). Kennedy was the swing vote in the pro-2A Heller decision. Kennedy was appointed by Reagan and unanimously confirmed, 97-0. Like it or not (I don't), it says a lot when two Conservatives side with the flag burners.
The majority in US vs Eichman included Scalia (Conservative) and Kennedy (Conservative to Libertarian). Kennedy was the swing vote in the pro-2A Heller decision. Kennedy was appointed by Reagan and unanimously confirmed, 97-0. Like it or not (I don't), it says a lot when two Conservatives side with the flag burners.

No, you are wrong. They sided with the idea that a government may not regulate speech, regardless if the majority or the minority is offended.

That ruling is a victory for freedom.

Some view Trump 2016 just as offensive flag burners.
There is a backlash coming, and these people will cry like the bitches they are when that backlash hits.

I wish they'd pull that shit while trespassing on my farm. Give me a chance to run some ballistics tests with the 30-30.

Fortunately for me and my family, I've yet to physically come across some group stomping old glory. As when I do, there won't be words spoken.

We should start a collection for all those who support just knocking these bitches out, to cover the inevitable legal fees. lol

"go fund me"

Three stupid posts, I'm sure there are more but I got tired of reading the nonsense.

@TLDR20 and @Deathy McDeath touched on it already, but here I go-

So imagine you do something, and suppose for a moment you are ACTUALLY legally justified. Now there's an investigation that reveals threatening posts you made on the internet- see where this is going?

Even if it's a Shadow Spear user who didn't make stupid statements, now he's associated with a website that promotes such actions.

I would like to hope people here wouldn't be stupid enough to endanger their future over dyed cloth, but I've been wrong before.
Three stupid posts, I'm sure there are more but I got tired of reading the nonsense.

@TLDR20 and @Deathy McDeath touched on it already, but here I go-

So imagine you do something, and suppose for a moment you are ACTUALLY legally justified. Now there's an investigation that reveals threatening posts you made on the internet- see where this is going?

Even if it's a Shadow Spear user who didn't make stupid statements, now he's associated with a website that promotes such actions.

I would like to hope people here wouldn't be stupid enough to endanger their future over dyed cloth, but I've been wrong before.
Where did I advocate violence?
I believe there is a backlash coming.
Doesn't mean people are going to go all vigilante, but I do believe people are getting tired of this shit and are going to put a different set of people in-charge, and those people will make some serious changes. That may mean workfare instead of welfare and increased means/effort to end/reduce fraud.
These BLM folks will cry like whiny bitches when the gravy train derails.
I also think Trump and sanders are doing as well as they are is a signal by both sides that they are serious about changing the status quo.
No, you are wrong. They sided with the idea that a government may not regulate speech, regardless if the majority or the minority is offended.

That ruling is a victory for freedom.

Some view Trump 2016 just as offensive flag burners.

How am I wrong? I'm onboard with what they did even if I don't like the decision. It was/ is the correct decision.
Three stupid posts, I'm sure there are more but I got tired of reading the nonsense.

@TLDR20 and @Deathy McDeath touched on it already, but here I go-

So imagine you do something, and suppose for a moment you are ACTUALLY legally justified. Now there's an investigation that reveals threatening posts you made on the internet- see where this is going?

Even if it's a Shadow Spear user who didn't make stupid statements, now he's associated with a website that promotes such actions.

I would like to hope people here wouldn't be stupid enough to endanger their future over dyed cloth, but I've been wrong before.

My post was dysphemistic smack. Stupid, yes. And dysphemistic.
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Three stupid posts, I'm sure there are more but I got tired of reading the nonsense.

@TLDR20 and @Deathy McDeath touched on it already, but here I go-

So imagine you do something, and suppose for a moment you are ACTUALLY legally justified. Now there's an investigation that reveals threatening posts you made on the internet- see where this is going?

Even if it's a Shadow Spear user who didn't make stupid statements, now he's associated with a website that promotes such actions.

I would like to hope people here wouldn't be stupid enough to endanger their future over dyed cloth, but I've been wrong before.

Hey pot, I'm kettle...:evil: ;-)

I can understand what you're saying, and if you feel my remarks or opinions are putting you or anyone else on here in jeopardy, I will respect that and tone it down. That said, I don't see it, but that's what's awesome about this forum, when you're not seeing your fucking up, someone will let you know.
