Boaty McBoatface

The people have spoken. Ball's in your court, NERC.

Boaty McBoatface wins poll to name polar research vessel

The suggestion, which sent the competition viral last month, received 124,109 votes, four times more than RRS Poppy-Mai – named after a 16-month-old girl with incurable cancer – which came in second place.

The chief executive of the NERC, Duncan Wingham, with whom the final decision lies, now faces the dilemma of choosing between the credibility of his organisation – and its £200m arctic explorer – and the overwhelming burden of public opinion.
The Austin School Board has never heard of the Internet.

Proposed Nominations for Robert E. Lee Elementary name change

The Austin School Board is looking into changing the name of a local elementary school, after hundreds of parents said they take offense to the school's namesake, a Confederate Army general.

The school's Campus Advisory Committee voted unanimously to have the board consider changing the name of Robert E. Lee Elementary.

Donald J. Trump Elementary: 45 nominations
Robert E. Lee Elementary: 34 nominations
Russell Lee Elementary: 32 nominations
Harper Lee Elementary: 30 nominations
Elisabet Ney Elementary: 15 nominations
Idiocaracy Elementary (Yes Idiocracy is misspelled. Not sure if that is intentional.)
John Cena Elementary School
Drew Brees Elementary
Bruce Lee Elementary
Adolf Hitler School for Friendship and Tolerance (With 8 nominations.)
It was worse than we thought:

Trump, Hitler among nominations to rename Robert E. Lee Elementary

Adam Lanza’s School of Fun
Austin Taliban Elementary School
Bleeding Heart Liberal Elementary
Boaty McBoatface Elementary School
Flava Flav Elementary
Forgetting the Past Dooms You to Repeat It Elementary
Hypothetical Perfect Person Memorial Elementary School
James Earl Ray Elementary School
John Cena Elementary
Nathan Bedford Forrest Elementary School (two nominations)
Schooly McSchoolerson
The Elementary School Formerly Known as Robert E. Lee (two nominations)

And other fun nominations! Congratulations, Austin!
And Melbourne, Australia hasn't learned:

Melburnians call for Trainy McTrainface station

If Boaty McBoatface taught us anything, it was not to let the public name things.

Melbourne could now be in for its own Boaty McBoatface saga after people were invited to suggest names for the new Melbourne Metro Tunnel stations.

So what did they suggest? Yep, you guessed it, Trainy McTrainface station.