Boaty McBoatface

San Diego soccer, come on down!

Footy McFooty Face leads poll for soccer team's name

How do you remember this shit? I swear you have a mind like a steel trap.

I've freed my mind of things I don't need to know which allows me to focus on the important things. I don't know how to use a fork, I treat my underwear as a portable toilet, I don't worry about colors because those are stupid, I ignore traffic signs because those contain colors....the little things add up and allow your brain to function at a high level. Like me!
And ends just as we'd expect:

The Fate of Footy McFooty Face

If San Diego is rewarded with a Major League Soccer expansion team, I have bad news for you.

It will not, in fact, be called "Footy McFooty Face."

Bonus points: They created a pretty cool logo:

And they aren't done!

For any of you who had warmed to the idea, that official logo (which is better than anything the Chargers will ever be able to come up with) is available for public consumption.
That damn giraffe is faking the pregnancy. I'll bet she steals a calf from some other giraffe and tries to pass it as hers.

Fuckin' crack whore'll do anything to keep her man from leaving. Bitch...

Oh no, the damn birth was on camera. There is no mistaking it came out of her when that hole got huge.:ack:
"Come watch the baby giraffe, come watch the baby giraffe!" That's all I heard Saturday morning.

"I can't come now, I'm making pancakes to celebrate the MOAB BDA."
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The USAF is doing a naming contest for the B-21, which was mentioned in another thread. It's only open to USAF/ANG members, but Twitter is still talking about it. One of the submissions was Bomby McBombface.

When this was still happening, our shop all put in for the Batmobomber. Unfortunately, no dice...
Ladies and gentlemen, I give you Falcon McFalconface.

An MLB team’s new strategy to keep seagulls off the field? Falcon McFalconface.

Of course, this being an opportunity to engage with the fans, the Athletics invited people to vote on the new kite’s name, and of course, this being an internet poll, the moniker “Falcon McFalconeface” won.

Falcon McFalconface, however, is very much real and in action, as of the past week, and even has an official Twitter account, @mcfalconface.
The whole "word McWordface" thing is played out at this point. Move on America!