Bombs sent to Obama, Clinton; explosives scare at CNN

As much as I have unadulterated disdain for these shills, this is not good and not the way. I do not trust the media telling the story on any of this, one wonders if this is manufactured but if it is not, it's some wack job right wing wannabe una bomber.
As much as I have unadulterated disdain for these shills, this is not good and not the way. I do not trust the media telling the story on any of this, one wonders if this is manufactured but if it is not, it's some wack job right wing wannabe una bomber.

My first thoughts were that this could be a ploy by the Dems because Soros is capable of anything. However, I'll real in my conspiracy theorist thoughts and watch the story develop.
My first thoughts were that this could be a ploy by the Dems because Soros is capable of anything. However, I'll real in my conspiracy theorist thoughts and watch the story develop.

Yep, Soros is such an evil genius he sent a bomb to his own house.

The pipe bomb sent to CNN was addressed to John Brennan.

There's another suspect package being dealt with at Debbie Wasserman Schultz office in Florida.
Confirmed by this post that to some, it would make it look like he wasn't involved. Which, I didn't say he was. In fact, I said I wouldn't engage in conspiracy.

Your first sentence was making the point that your very first thoughts were that it could be a ploy by the Dems because George Soros is apparently capable of anything, which given the events of the past two days now includes sending bombs to both himself, the residence of two former Presidents and other prominent Liberals.

How is that not engaging in conspiracy?
False flag? Who knows. Trust no one.

Your first sentence was making the point that your very first thoughts were that it could be a ploy by the Dems because George Soros is apparently capable of anything, which given the events of the past two days now includes sending bombs to both himself, the residence of two former Presidents and other prominent Liberals.

How is that not engaging in conspiracy?

To be fair, I don't think it's engaging in conspiracy but rather, making a point that anything is possible.
I guess "What's wrong with the Left" is that they minorly inconvenience politicians in public instead of trying to assassinate their political opponents. Who knew!
Your first sentence was making the point that your very first thoughts were that it could be a ploy by the Dems because George Soros is apparently capable of anything, which given the events of the past two days now includes sending bombs to both himself, the residence of two former Presidents and other prominent Liberals.

How is that not engaging in conspiracy?

@Poccington, just sounds like your trying to be confrontational.
I admitted that my initial thoughts were conspiratorial in nature, didn't deny it, and then went on to say I think it would be best to let the story develop. For some reason you felt the need to respond with sarcasm, even though I admitted that my thoughts were probably wrong. You could've made your point without the sarcasm, even though your point isn't completely valid. I still think anything is possible.
@Poccington, just sounds like your trying to be confrontational.
I admitted that my initial thoughts were conspiratorial in nature, didn't deny it, and then went on to say I think it would be best to let the story develop. For some reason you felt the need to respond with sarcasm, even though I admitted that my thoughts were probably wrong. You could've made your point without the sarcasm, even though your point isn't completely valid. I still think anything is possible.

Completely fair point. Probably should've kept the smart arsed reply to myself.

The pipe bomb sent to CNN was addressed to John Brennan.

There's another suspect package being dealt with at Debbie Wasserman Schultz office in Florida.

A suspect package has been discovered having been sent to Andrew Cuomo's office.

The package at Wasserman Schultz's office was originally meant for Eric Holder but the perpetrator put the wrong address on it, so it was sent to the return address... Which was Wasserman Schultz's office. All devices had a return address to Wasserman Schultz's office.

Officials are treating all devices as being linked as they're all similar in design.
intact devices can yield a wealth of information. There’s all kinds of places to get prints from. It’ll be interesting to watch this investigation play out.
So, I’ll put this out there- wait for the story to play out.

If you want to not post conspiracy theories, @Topkick , then don’t post about not floating conspiracy theories.

If you don’t want to make this act of domestic terrorism about left/right, @Salt USMC then don’t bring that up right away. Or at least find the appropriate thread to do it.

More information is coming out; go find your preferred source and form your own opinions, but keep to the standards for normal interaction here, please.

Moving on.
Interesting timing.
How do you get George Soro's home address?

I googled "George Soros home address" just there and multiple links on the first page of results all stated his address.

Looks like another device has been intercepted.

This one was addressed to Maxine Waters.