Bombs sent to Obama, Clinton; explosives scare at CNN

Will be curious to see how many of these devices are truly capable of inflicting harm. It's one thing to mail a bunch of crap in a box and call it a device. Another thing altogether to have something that's actually live and workable. This will not excuse the action in any way but speaks to the actual threat leveled.
Will be curious to see how many of these devices are truly capable of inflicting harm. It's one thing to mail a bunch of crap in a box and call it a device. Another thing altogether to have something that's actually live and workable. This will not excuse the action in any way but speaks to the actual threat leveled.

Without an X-ray of the device, I couldn’t say for sure that it would work, but just a glimpse says this could do the job.


ETA: The pic doesn’t really give me a clear view of the initiation system. But for whoever the patient soul is that’s tasked with unraveling all that tape, that’s a good place to start with lifting prints.
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Bernie Sanders' office was evacuated earlier after a suspicious object was found. It turns out it was just an economics book though.
I guess "What's wrong with the Left" is that they minorly inconvenience politicians in public instead of trying to assassinate their political opponents. Who knew!

Well, welcome back, anyway 😎👍

Without an X-ray of the device, I couldn’t say for sure that it would work, but just a glimpse says this could do the job.

View attachment 24595

ETA: The pic doesn’t really give me a clear view of the initiation system. But for whoever the patient soul is that’s tasked with unraveling all that tape, that’s a good place to start with lifting prints.

Any guess just by looking at the photo what kind of explosive? What level of sophistication? Crude? Well made?

What does it tell us that all these devices were discovered and none detonated? I wonder if that was the intention of the bomb-maker...
I'd be hard pressed to believe this was some sort of false flag, or even to believe it was some organized right-wing group.
It'll probably be similar to the Ricin sent to Mattis; some crazy fuck who likely did something on a smaller scale previously.
Any guess just by looking at the photo what kind of explosive? What level of sophistication? Crude? Well made?

What does it tell us that all these devices were discovered and none detonated? I wonder if that was the intention of the bomb-maker...

Pipe bombs don’t have to be complex. Filler? Your guess is as good as mine, although black powder is not uncommon. Without an X-ray, I couldn’t tell you how the initiation is set up, but it’s pretty basic. News report somewhere said electric timer; that’s not very difficult to whip together. From what I saw, it’s not a very clean build, but someone making pipe bombs isn’t worried about finesse.
Were there any explosions? Were all the packages discovered before time elapsed then?

From what I gathered while combing American news outlets (barf gag retch), no device has functioned as designed. The Soros device was RSP’d, then taken away for exploitation. That’s not saying the other devices were not RSP’d, rather that they made it a point of saying that any explosions heard at the Soros scene was a result of the team called out to handle the device. Now, what RSP’s were performed depends on several things, not least of which is can the immediate area withstand a high order detonation, even with pro works in place.
I find it Interesting that nothing actually detonated. Could these packages be meant to just scare, is the perp just an amateur, or is it something else?

Anything is possible. Pipe bombs are easy enough that an LT could put it together without losing a hand, but a pro would know when simplicity is necessary. It could be that the timer was set for longer than it took to find, defeat, and recover the device. Maybe it was wired wrong. Maybe, maybe, maybe.

Not gonna lie, I’m dying inside for not being a part of the investigation.
It will be interesting to see if they were just inert devices designed to cause terror, or an inept bomb maker who couldn't get them to detonate. You'd have to assume they'd tested a device prior to setting off the operation. which would make me lean towards the devices not being designed to go off.
Maybe they were inert to send a message? Head of cnn is going off about POTUS being responsible. Maybe a fake news doesn’t know reality anymore....
Pipe bombs don’t have to be complex. Filler? Your guess is as good as mine, although black powder is not uncommon. Without an X-ray, I couldn’t tell you how the initiation is set up, but it’s pretty basic. News report somewhere said electric timer; that’s not very difficult to whip together. From what I saw, it’s not a very clean build, but someone making pipe bombs isn’t worried about finesse.

I did my college internship with my local SWAT/EOD team because...connections. Got to play around on the range with different types of explosives. Learning to defeat different builds of pipe was pretty cool too. Make sure your parachute is set correctly or bye bye shot stick thingy. :p
Head of cnn is going off about POTUS being responsible.

This is a circle jerk. If Schumer, Pelosi, etc is responsible for violence from the left, then is Trump responsible for violence from the right? No, the perps are always responsible. Period. Nobody can "make me" snap and do something crazy. But we don't even know yet who, which side, or what the motive is so it's too early to start the blame game. My opinion, Fwiw.
Anything is possible. Pipe bombs are easy enough that an LT could put it together without losing a hand, but a pro would know when simplicity is necessary. It could be that the timer was set for longer than it took to find, defeat, and recover the device. Maybe it was wired wrong. Maybe, maybe, maybe.

Not gonna lie, I’m dying inside for not being a part of the investigation.

There were what, six or so devices that got intercepted before detonation? Not sure if that leans more towards the devices being inert, or the people targeted having super good security/luck.

Maybe they were inert to send a message? Head of cnn is going off about POTUS being responsible. Maybe a fake news doesn’t know reality anymore....

That's so close to being a worthwhile statement, but the talking head just had to frame it as "Trump bad".

Politicians and other talking heads need to take a look at the types of words that come out of their mouths and realize that the aggressive shit they say can motivate those crazies that don't know the difference between exaggeration and an actual call to arms.