Bombs sent to Obama, Clinton; explosives scare at CNN

Finally reading some posts this morning in an EOD group I’m in. X-rays of the CNN device were leaked to the press (NYT, so you may hit a paywall if you’ve already hit your five-article limit). Whoever made those devices couldn’t blow up a dime-store inflatable fuck doll, much less make a functioning bomb. There was no way in Hell those devices would function.

Either it’s a hoax, or it’s a MIRV of weaponized stupidity.
Allegedly the Waters device here in LA was an active device. Thats media push. Still ongoing.
Not really. If anything it reinforces my WAG that the sender of these devices is a right-wing nutcase who probably thinks he's 'on my side'.

De Niro has been brutally critical of the president, to the point where I have had to avoid recent interviews with him because I do not want my enjoyment of his earlier movies to be tainted by the distraction of his politics.

I was really disappointed by his behavior at The Tony's this year; it was a not-too-subtle reminder that these guys are just actors and not near as classy or disciplined as the characters that they portray.

NSFW - language

To me, it’s a twist because the first recipients were politicians and power brokers. De Niro just has a big fucking mouth and a platform.

Allegedly the Waters device here in LA was an active device. Thats media push. Still ongoing.

If the device looked anything like these two, then it’s about as active as a D&D campaign run by Helen Keller.

To me, it’s a twist because the first recipients were politicians and power brokers. De Niro just has a big fucking mouth and a platform.

After his "fuck Trump" speech, it's hard for me to watch his movies. I always thought he over- acted anyway, just as he did in that fuck Trump moment. Hes just another Hollywood asshole that only hurts himself everytime he engages in polical hate speech. But a bomb on the front porch, WTF?
Im guessing a warning or preamble to political activation or blame. Of all the calls to ratchet back rhetoric the media is full steam ahead. Especially the "experts"🙄

ETA Theory presented that someone has committed these attempts to make POTUS and the right look complicit to on going rhetoric. Maybe this is a last stand for the left to gain power. This could be thier greatest back fire.
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Im guessing a warning or preamble to political activation or blame. Of all the calls to ratchet back rhetoric the media is full steam ahead. Especially the "experts"🙄

Maybe it’s just me, but for it to be a warning, I’d expect a statement of some kind to go with it. Then again, it could be my own confirmation bias that makes me think otherwise. If the “bomber” was stupid enough to make this heap of garbage, then he’s likely not smart enough to utilize this as a warning.

Not saying he’s not motivated, just not the swiftest bunny in the hutch. It could very well be the pipe bomb equivalent of a warning shot from a firearm, though. Warning shots are stupid, and this certainly isn’t a nuclear gynecologist we’re looking for. I just don’t think it’s a likely scenario. I could be wrong.
My wife: "He missed Pelosi."
I don’t think it’s over. There are plenty of targets but if it is a left plot to send inert devices to make the right look crazy it’s shovel fulls on the hole to bury thier ideology. This whole affair looks and feels staged.
Maybe this whole thing is a distraction? I'm not sure what though...

The top three "possible distractions" I've seen so far are immigrant caravan, elections. And the Kasshogi murder (somehow).

ETA Theory presented that someone has committed these attempts to make POTUS and the right look complicit to on going rhetoric. Maybe this is a last stand for the left to gain power. This could be thier greatest back fire.

I've seen that sort of conspiracy floating around on the web. What's real fun is watching the "Hillary has people killed"crowd trying to convince themselves that she/Soros organized this, but wouldn't have killed some low level minority staffer to really sell this story.
Maybe the bomber is playing 4-dimensional chess - this is all part of his master plan and he is so much smarter than any of us think.
Or it could just be someone that is a cross-eyed, bug eyed, batshit crazy basement dweller that needs to be in a padded cell.

Looking for the silver lining - it provides yet another glance into the disingenuous, opportunistic, and half-baked political culture of america...
"this is "XXXX's" fault for provoking soooo much violence and discontent"
Or it could just be someone that is a cross-eyed, bug eyed, batshit crazy basement dweller that needs to be in a padded cell.

For real. Misspelling Schultz last name, sending Brennan's bomb to CNN instead of MSNBC, targeting De Niro etc. It all seems like some unhinged dude.
Whoever it was that did it, I’m sure investigators will have a lead on them soon enough. It’s a damned forensic jackpot they’ve got on their hands.

Just pleeeeeeeeeeeease don’t fuck it up.
For real. Misspelling Schultz last name, sending Brennan's bomb to CNN instead of MSNBC, targeting De Niro etc. It all seems like some unhinged dude.
I was reading that it could be a person or people that are "unhinged" or radicals, but at the same time it could be someone who made the spelling mistakes on purpose and did not include plans to detonate for reasons unknown or further plans. Could be decoys or was seeing how far they could get a package, or possibly could be a scare tactic. I know these guys are suppose to be the best but after the Las Vegas shooting you have to wonder if their capabilities are all they are cracked up to be.