Bombs sent to Obama, Clinton; explosives scare at CNN

Did the dude go to Michael's so he could finish the collage of propaganda for his van or did he take that shit to Kinkos? Either way, the news pretty much says Republican = pretty much a terrorist.


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A pass?
As far as I am concerned, a pass is something that a young enlisted person gets on a four day weekend so he can go out of town to visit family. The word "pass" should not even be a part of the vernacular in the context of this particular social circus.

Politics aside - unless it is proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that these were inert hoax devices sent as some sort of sick joke by someone that is verifiable and undeniably clinically insane - pipe bombs were sent to 2 former US Presidents, a VP and a former Secretary of State. Anything short of throwing the proverbial book at the guilty party is unsatisfactory.
...just my opinion and I've been wrong before

I talk A LOT of shit - I like to employ snarky comments and abrasive sarcasm as a way to entertain myself since there are no more 'Space Invaders' video games at my local gas station. Beyond that - I exhausted 30 years of my life in the service of the USA protecting her against all enemies, foreign AND domestic. The party politics of the commander in chief was pretty well distributed - 16 years under a Democrat and 14 under a Republican. I never went hungry, I never went without bullets, and I never worked without pay. As far as the political divide between CINC and battlefield, "meet the new boss - same as the old boss" party politics never impacted the cyclic rate of my weapons or the accuracy of enemy fire.
Pretending otherwise is just - partisan. 16 years of anti-gun Democrats and I still have my guns, 14 years of the religious right and liberals still have their abortions - so why all the crazy?

Imagine the very possible implications and outcomes if this idiot had realized even a small degree of success. We already have people being violently roused from their meals while they sit in restaurants with their family. We have university professors putting on hoodies and masks and beating people with bike locks - we have fucking neo-nazi protestors trying to proclaim that they represent what the American right really wants to wake up to every morning. Imagine the increased level of crazy these social degenerates would jump to if a few of our nations top Democrats had gotten whacked by this mush-brained jackass. The left wing nut jobs have been putting crazy on display simply because "they" lost an election and the right wing nut jobs are equally complicit in their willingness to riot with them.

Consider the global ripple this could have caused if this shit show had been even partially successful. World-War-One was instigated by a teenager with a small caliber pistol that got off two lucky shots made possible by a wrong turn. What would the peanut gallery do if they had a political near-mass-extinction event to use as their rallying cry for violence?
Call me an alarmist - but that asshole took this country a lot closer to "the brink" than people might be willing to admit.

For fuck sake - I just finished cleaning my yard up after dealing with the mess from two hurricanes. I don't have time to start digging defensive fighting positions in my front yard because nut jobs think their behavior is a legit way to show their displeasure with the current political landscape.

A pass?
The guilty party should spend the rest of their natural life on a cold concrete slab in ADX Florence - as they say in the old western movies - "dyin's too good". The guilty party should be rewarded with a long healthy life full of regret.

...Rant more deactivated

This ended this thread for me. Hooyah brother. Outfuckingstanding.
Now that several days have elapsed, from a LE standpoint, what has me absolutely perplexed is the amount of info posted on media with regards to evidence...e.g. info, specifics etc. Particularly troubling to me are the pictures of the "Live" device(s) taken. Later on down the road maybe, but as early on when they were released?

Most, if not all agencies I'm aware of, would be locked down and carefully guarded with the amount of info released during an ongoing investigation, especially one of this magnitude.
Inert bombs? (dusts off pedantic crab) Here we go, kids....

When you describe those devices as inert, that implies that it was deliberately rendered in a state that would not allow functioning as designed. Given that there was energetic material present, the devices were not inert. Yes, it was a shit energetic that would most likely only have deflagrated and only with outside help from a secondary initiation source than what was present in the device. But the device certainly was not inert.

A hoax device can have all kinds of parts in it that would not work at all, cobbled together into something that half-assed resembles an explosive device. A good example that comes from my first hand experience was a fire extinguisher that was wedged underneath a local national’s vehicle, and had what appeared to be an initiation package attached to the outside. However, there was no energetic filler of any kind, and the possible initiation package wasn’t wired up to do anything except sit there.

Another good example of a hoax that would stand out to those of us with deployment experience outside the wire is the comealong. You know, the barely-hidden bucket with lots of tape that looks like it could be a bomb that drives you towards where the real bomb is set for either VO or command det in your safe area.

These devices had a weak ass energetic filler, an inadequate power supply, inadequate components, and an ineffective time piece that wouldn’t have done shit for a safe separation time or initiator. That explosive train was assembled, but it was never going to leave the station. It’s not what I would define as inert, so that leaves hoax or failure to function as designed. That’s largely going to be determined by knowledge and intent.

If he knew he was putting together a garbage device, and all he was going to do was scare some folks, then you could say it was a hoax device.

If he had appreciable skills and used a bridge wire that was just a few millimeters too thick, then it definitely failed to function as designed.

If he just had some photocopied blueprint from some phamplet called “Pipebombs For Dummies,” scrounged up the parts not understanding the science behind the device, and had every of properly using his Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch, then it’s still a failure to function as designed. His device would believably fall into the “elaborate hoax” category if it were deployed by a smarter human being.

Instead, it was sent out by a guy with mental issues and a record of making threats. He wasn’t smart enough to realize his shit wouldn’t work, and probably is writing Wile E. Coyote about getting a refund on the blueprints as we speak.

Weaponized stupidity at its finest.
Most, if not all agencies I'm aware of, would be locked down and carefully guarded with the amount of info released during an ongoing investigation, especially one of this magnitude.

Hard agree...I hate it when we (law enforcement) release too much information. Unfortunately...we have succumbed to the media's news cycle...there has to be a way to limit this....
Now that several days have elapsed, from a LE standpoint, what has me absolutely perplexed is the amount of info posted on media with regards to evidence...e.g. info, specifics etc. Particularly troubling to me are the pictures of the "Live" device(s) taken. Later on down the road maybe, but as early on when they were released?

Most, if not all agencies I'm aware of, would be locked down and carefully guarded with the amount of info released during an ongoing investigation, especially one of this magnitude.

The more *politicized* that LE administrators become, the more they want to throw stuff out there that shouldn't be. Not only that, but they put stuff out there *way* too early. It's just starting. They are becoming more PC by the day and it will only get worse from here on out.
Sometimes crazy is just that. Our concept of a motive or plan or sound decision making does not, nor will it ever, apply to crazy.
I won’t argue that this cat was even in the same galaxy as sane. I just don’t think he’s crazy enough to beat these charges like he was the second John Hinckley.
Ahmed Mohamed clock incident - Wikipedia
Being bullied by school teachers because of islam, impress these infidel teachers with a pencil box clock/ hoax bomb. Complete assembly is under half an hour. Everyone will definitely quit bullying you after all the lawsuits you will file.

Not much of a fan for double standards. An islamaphobia victim gets a trip to the White House and an award, one nutcase fringe dweller possibly gets a trip to prison and silver bracelets. Difference is boy vs grown man, and how vocal parts of society feel obligated to be apologetic to one group of people over another, both pulled the same stunt essentially, but the adult has to conform to a civilized society or be judged by his peers for his actions, where a boy is not.
Ahmed Mohamed clock incident - Wikipedia
Being bullied by school teachers because of islam, impress these infidel teachers with a pencil box clock/ hoax bomb. Complete assembly is under half an hour. Everyone will definitely quit bullying you after all the lawsuits you will file.

Not much of a fan for double standards. An islamaphobia victim gets a trip to the White House and an award, one nutcase fringe dweller possibly gets a trip to prison and silver bracelets. Difference is boy vs grown man, and how vocal parts of society feel obligated to be apologetic to one group of people over another, both pulled the same stunt essentially, but the adult has to conform to a civilized society or be judged by his peers for his actions, where a boy is not.

Are you taking the piss?
Ahmed Mohamed clock incident - Wikipedia
Being bullied by school teachers because of islam, impress these infidel teachers with a pencil box clock/ hoax bomb. Complete assembly is under half an hour. Everyone will definitely quit bullying you after all the lawsuits you will file.

Not much of a fan for double standards. An islamaphobia victim gets a trip to the White House and an award, one nutcase fringe dweller possibly gets a trip to prison and silver bracelets. Difference is boy vs grown man, and how vocal parts of society feel obligated to be apologetic to one group of people over another, both pulled the same stunt essentially, but the adult has to conform to a civilized society or be judged by his peers for his actions, where a boy is not.

What are you trying to say? Seriously.
A pass?
As far as I am concerned, a pass is something that a young enlisted person gets on a four day weekend so he can go out of town to visit family. The word "pass" should not even be a part of the vernacular in the context of this particular social circus.

Politics aside - unless it is proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that these were inert hoax devices sent as some sort of sick joke by someone that is verifiable and undeniably clinically insane - pipe bombs were sent to 2 former US Presidents, a VP and a former Secretary of State. Anything short of throwing the proverbial book at the guilty party is unsatisfactory.
...just my opinion and I've been wrong before

I talk A LOT of shit - I like to employ snarky comments and abrasive sarcasm as a way to entertain myself since there are no more 'Space Invaders' video games at my local gas station. Beyond that - I exhausted 30 years of my life in the service of the USA protecting her against all enemies, foreign AND domestic. The party politics of the commander in chief was pretty well distributed - 16 years under a Democrat and 14 under a Republican. I never went hungry, I never went without bullets, and I never worked without pay. As far as the political divide between CINC and battlefield, "meet the new boss - same as the old boss" party politics never impacted the cyclic rate of my weapons or the accuracy of enemy fire.
Pretending otherwise is just - partisan. 16 years of anti-gun Democrats and I still have my guns, 14 years of the religious right and liberals still have their abortions - so why all the crazy?

Imagine the very possible implications and outcomes if this idiot had realized even a small degree of success. We already have people being violently roused from their meals while they sit in restaurants with their family. We have university professors putting on hoodies and masks and beating people with bike locks - we have fucking neo-nazi protestors trying to proclaim that they represent what the American right really wants to wake up to every morning. Imagine the increased level of crazy these social degenerates would jump to if a few of our nations top Democrats had gotten whacked by this mush-brained jackass. The left wing nut jobs have been putting crazy on display simply because "they" lost an election and the right wing nut jobs are equally complicit in their willingness to riot with them.

Consider the global ripple this could have caused if this shit show had been even partially successful. World-War-One was instigated by a teenager with a small caliber pistol that got off two lucky shots made possible by a wrong turn. What would the peanut gallery do if they had a political near-mass-extinction event to use as their rallying cry for violence?
Call me an alarmist - but that asshole took this country a lot closer to "the brink" than people might be willing to admit.

For fuck sake - I just finished cleaning my yard up after dealing with the mess from two hurricanes. I don't have time to start digging defensive fighting positions in my front yard because nut jobs think their behavior is a legit way to show their displeasure with the current political landscape.

A pass?
The guilty party should spend the rest of their natural life on a cold concrete slab in ADX Florence - as they say in the old western movies - "dyin's too good". The guilty party should be rewarded with a long healthy life full of regret.

...Rant more deactivated


  1. 1.
    an act or instance of moving past or through something

Said douche bag was not charged with terrorism. Why? Because according to the Army, “"We have not found any links to terrorism, or any international or domestic extremist groups at this time,” Chris Grey, a spokesman for the United States Army Criminal Investigation Command, told reporters."

We all know that to be a lie. So yes, courtesy of the Army, fuckstick was given a pass on charges of terrorist.

I'm hopeful that this idiot won't get the same treatment (aside from living the rest of his life in prison).
Said douche bag was not charged with terrorism. Why? Because according to the Army, “"We have not found any links to terrorism, or any international or domestic extremist groups at this time,” Chris Grey, a spokesman for the United States Army Criminal Investigation Command, told reporters."

We all know that to be a lie. So yes, courtesy of the Army, fuckstick was given a pass on charges of terrorist.

I'm hopeful that this idiot won't get the same treatment (aside from living the rest of his life in prison).

He wasn't charged with Terrorism because they wanted to keep the investigation and prosecution in the military...if he was charged with Terrorism offenses then the FBI would have taken over the investigation and it would have been tried in civilian federal court. Military wanted to prosecute him.

I like that he is at Leavenworth waiting for his death sentence.
I am hoping Pittsburgh PD is also pursuing charges on him for the attempted murder of the Police Officers shot. Let the Feds do the hate crime thing, but keep the other investigation and pending charges in your back pocket.
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Said douche bag was not charged with terrorism. Why? Because according to the Army, “"We have not found any links to terrorism, or any international or domestic extremist groups at this time,” Chris Grey, a spokesman for the United States Army Criminal Investigation Command, told reporters."

We all know that to be a lie. So yes, courtesy of the Army, fuckstick was given a pass on charges of terrorist.

I'm hopeful that this idiot won't get the same treatment (aside from living the rest of his life in prison).

The Atlantic did a write-up on just this issue. Basically, the Government doesn't like to call "domestic terrorism" on purely homegrown actors; they want them to be attached to outside terror groups.
...Nobody send inert pipe bombs to people...It makes no sense for a republican lame brain to send inert pipe bombs...

If you're a unhinged and stupid it may make perfect sense. He has an extended rap sheet, he's bankrupt and describes himself as a "promoter for male strip shows." We are not talking Robert J. Oppenheimer here.

The guy is living in a fucking van.:ROFLMAO:

As for "inert", see @racing_kitty post #124 above.
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The Atlantic did a write-up on just this issue. Basically, the Government doesn't like to call "domestic terrorism" on purely homegrown actors; they want them to be attached to outside terror groups.

It really depends on why someone does something to be defined by either Domestic or International Terrorism. You can have no ISIS connections, but the person was INSPIRED by ISIS to be charged with IT charges. (The following is from the FBI website.)

International terrorism: Perpetrated by individuals and/or groups inspired by or associated with designated foreign terrorist organizations or nations (state-sponsored).

-for example, the December 2, 2015 shooting in San Bernardino, CA, that killed 14 people and wounded 22 which involved a married couple who radicalized for some time prior to the attack and were inspired by multiple extremist ideologies and foreign terrorist organizations.

  • Homegrown Violent Extremists (HVEs): The FBI, however, can’t focus solely on the terrorist threat emanating from overseas—they must identify those sympathizers who have radicalized and become HVEs within the U.S. and aspire to attack our nation from within. HVEs are defined by the Bureau as global-jihad-inspired individuals who are based in the U.S., have been radicalized primarily in the U.S., and are not directly collaborating with a foreign terrorist organization.

Domestic terrorism: Perpetrated by individuals and/or groups inspired by or associated with primarily U.S.-based movements that espouse extremist ideologies of a political, religious, social, racial, or environmental nature.

-for example, the June 8, 2014 Las Vegas shooting, during which two police officers inside a restaurant were killed in an ambush-style attack, which was committed by a married couple who held anti-government views and who intended to use the shooting to start a revolution.
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