Bombs sent to Obama, Clinton; explosives scare at CNN

It is a shame that our modern society requires that everything is accompanied by (R) or (D) before we are willing to accept the narrative.

Life imitating art - we the people ARE an Idiocracy...
...brought to you by Carl's Junior

If someone is murdered - you are expected to come out and release a statement that denounces murder. You also have to denounce rape, bigotry, hatred, and premature ejaculation. If you don't - it MUST be proof that you support whatever the scandalous behavior might be. The assumption of civility and common decency is dead in aMErica.

This guy - if guilty as charged is a criminal.
Partisan affiliation shouldn't even be a question - but it is. The only thing missing is a Fox/CNN news ticker that identifies him as "Cesar Sayoc (R)"

Sadly - there are just as many people like myself hoping this guy would NOT be a right-wing nut job as there were leftists cheering at the news that he WAS a right-wing nut job. As a nation - we have veered so far off of the road that it is a miracle we haven't already snapped an axle.
It's just too hard to accept that "our party" has nut jobs within our ranks !!

I wouldn't vote for BHO if he ran for dog catcher and I certainly wouldn't have enjoyed seeing the clint0ns back in the White House - but like it or not, "THE" president is MY president. You cannot try to blow up MY president without risking the chance that I will fuck you up if I catch you in the act. THAT should infuriate Americans - somebody threatened to blow up a couple of our presidents. The guilty party should be getting fucked up at the earliest possible space on the calendar.

Maybe for punishment we should put this guy in a Ford Fiesta with a giant rubber dildo on the hood while a couple reality TV stars try to run him over with their monster trucks while we all eat popcorn and cheer for our favorite political party.
...brought to you by Carl's Junior
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That dude's van... Good lord. I wonder how he finally decided he had enough bumper stickers?

Crazy cunt.
A basketful of kittens to get this thread on track. Threads like this just make me hate the left and right even more.
Sometimes the Emperor wears no clothes, and until everybody is willing to admit that, regardless of party, we are just spinning in an endless circle of shit.
Respect your opinion bro, but I don't agree with the emperor wears no clothes analogy and also don't see where Trump is to blame. Obviously, I'm a Trump supporter who thinks the president is doing a fine job and I am also not going to commit violent acts against those who don't agree. My point is that the blame lies completely on the perpetrator, not Trump, Pelosi, Schumer, or anyone else. I'll say this though, I don't hear Republicans (as much) telling their supporters to confront, resist, and get in the faces of their opponents.
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Strange how the call out of violent rhetoric comes from those who have or still do and condone it. I don’t care for any political tact but all are equally responsible. When in glass houses don’t throw stones. We are all in this together.
Respect your opinion bro, but I don't agree with the emperor wears no clothes analogy and also don't see where Trump is to blame. Obviously, I'm a Trump supporter who thinks the president is doing a fine job and I am also not going to commit violent acts against those who don't agree. My point is that the blame lies completely on the perpetrator, not Trump, Pelosi, Schumer, or anyone else. I'll say this though, I don't hear Republicans (as much) telling their supporters to confront, resist, and get in the faces of their opponents.
I'm not gonna try and track down every instance of either side talking hate, but, from an independent politics nerd point of view, it seems closer to 50/50 than either side would like to admit.

Yep...eventually they become the exact same person.
Stalin or Hitler...different wrapper, same content.

100% both of these. Regardless of left/right, both side can become similar shitty versions of each other.
A pass?
As far as I am concerned, a pass is something that a young enlisted person gets on a four day weekend so he can go out of town to visit family. The word "pass" should not even be a part of the vernacular in the context of this particular social circus.

Politics aside - unless it is proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that these were inert hoax devices sent as some sort of sick joke by someone that is verifiable and undeniably clinically insane - pipe bombs were sent to 2 former US Presidents, a VP and a former Secretary of State. Anything short of throwing the proverbial book at the guilty party is unsatisfactory.
...just my opinion and I've been wrong before

I talk A LOT of shit - I like to employ snarky comments and abrasive sarcasm as a way to entertain myself since there are no more 'Space Invaders' video games at my local gas station. Beyond that - I exhausted 30 years of my life in the service of the USA protecting her against all enemies, foreign AND domestic. The party politics of the commander in chief was pretty well distributed - 16 years under a Democrat and 14 under a Republican. I never went hungry, I never went without bullets, and I never worked without pay. As far as the political divide between CINC and battlefield, "meet the new boss - same as the old boss" party politics never impacted the cyclic rate of my weapons or the accuracy of enemy fire.
Pretending otherwise is just - partisan. 16 years of anti-gun Democrats and I still have my guns, 14 years of the religious right and liberals still have their abortions - so why all the crazy?

Imagine the very possible implications and outcomes if this idiot had realized even a small degree of success. We already have people being violently roused from their meals while they sit in restaurants with their family. We have university professors putting on hoodies and masks and beating people with bike locks - we have fucking neo-nazi protestors trying to proclaim that they represent what the American right really wants to wake up to every morning. Imagine the increased level of crazy these social degenerates would jump to if a few of our nations top Democrats had gotten whacked by this mush-brained jackass. The left wing nut jobs have been putting crazy on display simply because "they" lost an election and the right wing nut jobs are equally complicit in their willingness to riot with them.

Consider the global ripple this could have caused if this shit show had been even partially successful. World-War-One was instigated by a teenager with a small caliber pistol that got off two lucky shots made possible by a wrong turn. What would the peanut gallery do if they had a political near-mass-extinction event to use as their rallying cry for violence?
Call me an alarmist - but that asshole took this country a lot closer to "the brink" than people might be willing to admit.

For fuck sake - I just finished cleaning my yard up after dealing with the mess from two hurricanes. I don't have time to start digging defensive fighting positions in my front yard because nut jobs think their behavior is a legit way to show their displeasure with the current political landscape.

A pass?
The guilty party should spend the rest of their natural life on a cold concrete slab in ADX Florence - as they say in the old western movies - "dyin's too good". The guilty party should be rewarded with a long healthy life full of regret.

...Rant more deactivated
I'm not gonna try and track down every instance of either side talking hate, but, from an independent politics nerd point of view, it seems closer to 50/50 than either side would like to admit.

By posting this article, I'm not making an argument about which side talks more shit. I do not blame anyone but the perps of the crimes. I do find it really crazy that people with a platform, no matter the politics, make these mostly baseless allegations and insults and then wonder why people lose a screw.

The Death of the Grown-Up | Diana West > Home - The Right's Trump Lexicon
Some info to chew on. I'm sure the now the US mail DID NOT deliver these packages. (Should be at the PO on the counters or walls and should look like the one in quote picture.)

13-ounce Mail: A Reminder for Postal Service Employees
All mail that weighs over 13 ounces and that uses only postage stamps as postage (this includes pre-paid Priority Mail Flat-Rate Boxes and Envelopes) must be presented to an employee at a retail service counter at a Post Office. This is part of ongoing security measures established by the Postal Service, in cooperation with other government agencies, to keep the public, customers, employees, and the mail safe.

Customers may use a convenient online postage application or generate postage on an Automated Postal Center® (APC®) if they wish to mail items that weigh more than 13 ounces. Online postage applications include the Postal Service’s Click-N-Ship service available at and PC Postage from an authorized USPS postage vendor. Customers may deposit items with online and electronic postage in Postal Service collection boxes or Post Office lobby mail slots, or give them to their USPS letter carrier. Alternate places customers can mail items are at contract postal units and USPS Approved Shipper locations.

Customers who are unable to use one of the above methods to prepare and affix postage must present items weighing more than 13 ounces to a Postal Service employee at a Post Office retail service counter. Business customers who use postage meters may continue to use meter postage for packages of any weight and mailing method.

Decals have been placed on USPS collection boxes to indicate that deposit of stamped mail over 13 ounces is prohibited in collection boxes and any such mail will be returned to sender.

For more information, customers may call 800-ASK-USPS or go to Employees will find additional information such as SOPs, training resources, and service talks on the AVSEC New Program Web site at

Note: All employees were required to have completed the Anonymous Mail training by October 15, 2007. If you have new employees or employees who were not trained, you must contact your district training office or go to USPS-TV On Demand at and click on Full Video Listing in the left navigation bar. A list of training courses appears under the heading “Workplace Security.”

— Aviation Mail Security, Network Operations Management, 10-25-07
13-ounce Mail: A Reminder for Postal Service Employees

And an excerpt from a light hearted blog about mailing stuff.

What exactly is the USPS 13-Ounce mail rule?
Glad you asked. The 13-Ounce Mail Rule requires that any mail piece weighing over 13 ounces that is mailed

with postage stamps has to be presented in person to a USPS employee at the Post Office. Since postage stamps are untrackable, presenting the mail piece to a postal employee serves as a security measure to keep the public, customers, employees and the U.S. mail safe. It’s a good rule. But... Blah.

Blah blah...

Blah blah blah...

Understanding the USPS 13 Ounce Mail Rule - Blog

Which is why it never got post marked. The added scrutiny of the package would have landed this guy in jail. Also I imagine there has to be a clearing house that also scrutinize mail for the high profile people... if there isn't then there should be.
By posting this article, I'm not making an argument about which side talks more shit. I do not blame anyone but the perps of the crimes. I do find it really crazy that people with a platform, no matter the politics, make these mostly baseless allegations and insults and then wonder why people lose a screw.

The Death of the Grown-Up | Diana West > Home - The Right's Trump Lexicon

That's an impressive list of people hating on Trump before he got elected, and really highlights how talking heads don't really care about the person at the end of the day, just their "team". I don't think we'll ever get away from insults, but comments like these (pulled from the article) don't belong in the discourse.

The donor class "are still going to have to go out and put a bullet in Donald Trump. And that’s a fact.”
"If I was close enough and I had a knife; really, I mean, the stabbing just wouldn't stop."
"I'm not saying violence is the answer. I'm saying violence is an answer."
Something about the whole thing doesn't smell right. The van, the Republican registration (had heard he had been registered Dem at one point?), some of the things just don't line up. Not saying false flag, just sain'.... Keeping an open mind.
Kinda sounds like you’re sain’ false flag”.

Keeping an open mind about what exactly?

Just sayin' something just doesn't seem right. Keeping an open mind since it's been barely 24 hours since the dude was arrested. I know what I know from the media, I'm sure more deets will come out over the coming days that can give me a more informed opinion.
Kinda sounds like you’re sain’ false flag”.

Keeping an open mind about what exactly?

I am saying that this doesn't make sense in any part of the word except a political one. Nobody send inert pipe bombs to people. Maybe some flour in an envelope, but not a fucking fake pipe bomb.

I know there are people who just refuse to believe that governments or political parties would ever be involved in conspiracy. I don't understand that way of thinking, it reminds me of when I was told that our government wasn't curupt. Yeah well it is corrupt and the conspiracy are everywhere, they are just not being prosecuted.

It makes no sense for a republican lame brain to send inert pipe bombs to former POTUS's the Hill-bitch or any democrats for that matter. Who does it help? Who benefits from it? Did it actually change anything? Or does it just make Republicans look bad?

I'm not saying there is a conspiracy here, I'm just saying why send inert pipe bombs, why not live ones, you are going to prison for life anyway.