Bombs sent to Obama, Clinton; explosives scare at CNN

What are you trying to say? Seriously.

My apology if I was not clearer sir.
I try not to read between the lines, but sometimes a duck is a duck.

To some extent this happened in 2015, and the out comes may be drastically different, dependent on how they deal with the recent Florida Man. Back in 2015 it appeared twitter outrage trumped everything. Once the news settled I wonder if Irvine TX police would have done things differently, if or did they know he was being bullied and still came to the conclusion that there was no malice. Was he exploiting a stereotype and his age, I think so, but we have to give the kid benefit of doubt in this? It's irritating some people can run red lights, instigate fights, yell bomb or fire, and get what equates to slaps to the wrist.

About A. Mohamed:
If you remember a few yrs back, September 14th 2015, a Texan kid brought in bomb looking device and presented it to his teacher.
Even the loathsome Bill Maher said look like a _f___ing_ bomb. The teacher wasn't having it, called the authorities, he was questioned and taken to the police station. The police later determined he had no malicious intent and released him. He kept insisting it was a clock. Twitter was buzzing with this kid and how he is being stereotyped as a Muslim. He tried to use the the incidents to sue govt and Fox news, all I know is defamation cases were thrown out by a judge.

He was invited to the White House "Cool clock Ahmed"," Want to bring it to the White house." And "We should inspire more kids like you to like science. It's what makes America great." -President Obama

He now lives in Qatar, with a Qatar Scholarship fund.

Double standards:
Both built bomb looking devices, both introduced them to the public. The outcome for Ahmed was a Disneyland fairytail. Today's "sane" society has quickly forgotten they embarrassed this "insane" behavior in a child. attempting to sum up a rather big nutshell sir.
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Double standards:
Both built bomb looking devices, both introduced them to the public.
The outcome for Ahmed was a Disneyland fairytail. Today's "sane" society has quickly forgotten they embarrassed this "insane" behavior in a child. attempting to sum up a rather big nutshell sir.

You're seriously attempting to say a kid known for bringing in devices he built and fixing his classmates electronics is the same as a dude mailing effing pipe bombs to people?
I know facts can be interpreted subjectively, but I don't think your proposed connection is justified at all.
If it would have been a Texas man, the shit would have worked.

Being an open board, I won't get silly, but a threaded pipe nipple, couple caps, couple electric matches, a alarm clock, couple off/on micro switches, some epoxy, FFF black powder and it ain't that freaking hard to figure out.

I mean really though, who doesn't know how to make one. I'm pretty sure they teach that in shop class down here...

Way too complicated bro. Send a box with pop rocks and a bottle of Coca Cola with a note that says "if you pour the soda on the pop rocks you will have good fortune for 50 years."