Bombs sent to Obama, Clinton; explosives scare at CNN

I was reading that it could be a person or people that are "unhinged" or radicals, but at the same time it could be someone who made the spelling mistakes on purpose and did not include plans to detonate for reasons unknown or further plans. Could be decoys or was seeing how far they could get a package, or possibly could be a scare tactic. I know these guys are suppose to be the best but after the Las Vegas shooting you have to wonder if their capabilities are all they are cracked up to be.

Who are "these guys"? The bomber(s)? Secret Service? Average LEO?

As for Las Vegas, unless you're all about some false flag conspiracy type things, that was handled about as well as could be.
A guy with no major red flags snuck weapons in his suitcase through a resort with 3200ish rooms.
Even after the fact, security experts aren't sure they could have prevented something like that, short of installing metal detectors and checking everyone's bags.
Another two packages found.

Addressed to Cory Booker and one for James Clapper, which was due to be sent to CNN in New York.

News now breaking that a man in Florida has been arrested in connection with the suspect packages.
The only thing missing from the "perfect conspiracy" story line is for the newly arrested suspect to commit suicide is his jail cell by hanging himself with both hands tied behind his back.

No explanation will satisfy the fringes of either of this nations sophomoric political parties - the "OTHER" party owns all of the blame - anything short of partisan blame for this is unacceptable.
Arrest made? Great! I’m going to maintain a rather healthy dose of skepticism until his conviction. While I hope with every fiber of my being that they got the right guy, Richard Jewell comes to mind.

Again, I’m praying the feds don’t fuck this up.
Cesar Sayoc, 56-year-old registered Republican and convicted felon, served a year of probation for making a bomb threat. Semi-lunatic, apparently, and a FLORIDA MAN. The Democrats will have a field day with this. Best present ever, for them, right before midterms.


And he has a conversion van bukkakied with over-the-top political stickers.
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Cesar Sayoc, 57-year-old registered Republican and convicted felon, served a year of probation for making a bomb threat. Semi-lunatic, apparently, and a FLORIDA MAN. The Democrats will have a field day with this. Best present ever, for them, right before midterms.

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Aside from guessing it was Florida man, @Ooh-Rah and I seemed to be pretty spot on with the guesses for what type of dude it would be.
It'll be interesting to see what other info comes out.

some crazy fuck who likely did something on a smaller scale previously.

...the sender of these devices is a right-wing nutcase who probably thinks he's 'on my side'...
I still think the democrats are involved somehow. 12 bombs none go off? And his van Come on man I’m not buying it
I still think the democrats are involved somehow. 12 bombs none go off? And his van Come on man I’m not buying it

I don’t think it’s a false flag. The progressive/far left uses crowds, sticks and bricks, bike locks, guns, and Molotov cocktails. They can’t shoot for shit beyond point blank range, though, and there hasn’t been a credible leftist bombing since Bill Ayers was on about it. The far right likes the earth-shattering kabooms.

Who knows, maybe he’s a former proggie, and that’s why his shit didn’t work...

Yes, that’s a bit of sarcasm, folks. Put down your pitchforks.
Nothing uncommon about a white van at the crime scene.😉

Seriously, as much as I didn't want it to be a Republican, no reason at this time to believe otherwise. There are jackwipes on both sides of the isle.
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I still think the democrats are involved somehow. 12 bombs none go off? And his van Come on man I’m not buying it

Don't throw your back out trying to reach that far.

In all seriousness though; if this had been bombs sent to GOPers and a Dem was arrested, would you accept that at face value or believe it was still a false flag?
Don't let your chosen side of the aisle blind you to the fact that crazies are gonna crazy. The number of people that would need to be involved to fake this and other "false flags" would all but guarantee leaks.

Besides, when the government/powerful want to fake something, they'll go all out. Operation Northwoods is a good example of such a plan.
I still think the democrats are involved somehow. 12 bombs none go off? And his van Come on man I’m not buying it

This is just too retarded to be a conspiracy. Lone wolf, obsessed hater, lousy bomb maker, basic Florida Man loser...and unfortunately somebody who thought he was doing the GOP a favor.
I'm wondering when Florida man was last considered a Republican
Come on man. Is this how you plan to disassociate yourself from the guy? By saying he couldn’t vote so technically he was not a Republican?

Sometimes I feel like one of the few conservatives on this board of many conservatives who is willing to acknowledge that “my side” has its issues too.

We keep talking about “unity” and bridging the gap between the parties, and that’s fine when the other side is the group who has to do the bending.

While I sit here fantasizing that someday the Liberal base will distance themselves from the lunacy and hateful messages that ANTIFA drops, I also hope against hope that my conservative brethren will do the same when it come to these right wing nutcase groups who do the same in the name of Trump. Don’t make excuses for them, just condem them and call them out.

Sometimes the Emperor wears no clothes, and until everybody is willing to admit that, regardless of party, we are just spinning in an endless circle of shit.
If it would have been a Texas man, the shit would have worked.

Being an open board, I won't get silly, but a threaded pipe nipple, couple caps, couple electric matches, a alarm clock, couple off/on micro switches, some epoxy, FFF black powder and it ain't that freaking hard to figure out.

I mean really though, who doesn't know how to make one. I'm pretty sure they teach that in shop class down here...
Come on man. Is this how you plan to disassociate yourself from the guy? By saying he couldn’t vote so technically he was not a Republican?

Sometimes I feel like one of the few conservatives on this board of many conservatives who is willing to acknowledge that “my side” has its issues too.

We keep talking about “unity” and bridging the gap between the parties, and that’s fine when the other side is the group who has to do the bending.

While I sit here fantasizing that someday the Liberal base will distance themselves from the lunacy and hateful messages that ANTIFA drops, I also hope against hope that my conservative brethren will do the same when it come to these right wing nutcase groups who do the same in the name of Trump. Don’t make excuses for them, just condem them and call them out.

Sometimes the Emperor wears no clothes, and until everybody is willing to admit that, regardless of party, we are just spinning in an endless circle of shit.
I just find a non voting felon being labeled as a "registered republican" as too much of a coincidence. The bomber was a felon and a nutty one at that. While I will admit to associating with humpy bunny rabbits and other fluffy creatures, I'd never throw my lot in or associate with unabashed lawbreakers.