ETA 2: perusing the latest links, it was a combination of courier delivery and postal. From what I read in
this AP article, the CNN device was via courier, and most of the other devices actually were recovered at mail facilities. I wasn’t entirely clear on it earlier (I blame self-inflicted info hypersaturation). The absence of postmarks means that someone was paying attention and pulled them before they were delivered.
Years ago I worked on a contract (it's in my blood!) for the USPS. Some asuumptions and why:
- If the same person did this and was dumb enough to mail them all at the same time from the same facility, they would have dropped in a group during the sort process.
- Postal employees are trained in recognizing the sort of "extra postage" signature. Whether they all can is another story, but I digress.
-A lot of the mail is sorted by hand. A bubblewrap-linied envelope will still disclose the rough dimensions of its contents, especially a pipe.
- The second something sketchy appears in a postyal facility, a BOLO goes to the others. Postal Inspectors are Fed LEO or something like that, so once they are called and ID a package, you can bet that info went to other offices with a quickness.
I easily see a scenario where some clown dropped them off at once, they were missed at the post office, and went to a sorting facility. Who knows, maybe the local PO did discover them. Regardless, an employee picked one up (maybe even noticed the similarites in this cluster of packages), felt the contents, shat themselves, and alerted a manager.
It will be interesting to see how the discovery alone played out.