Basically, avoid anything I post, and believe me, I'd delete them if I could
I'm thinking seriously about becoming an incredibly famous professional sports star. I've done tons of research, including watching part of two sports competitions on the TV and speaking for over 30 minutes with a guy whose brother knows someone who played a sport semi-professionally (but he couldn't say more for obvious security reasons).
My concern is that all the fame, accolades, and money I'll receive from being a sports star will change me as a person and take me away from my core values. I'd like to get the opinions and advice of several strangers on the internet first on that topic - before I go to the trouble of learning how to play one of these sports. The one that interests me the most has the word 'ball' in it but I'm not sure all the rest of the exact terminology.
In exchange for your valued advice, I'm willing to offer my views on just about any topic on the board. I'll even go back years on postings to really drop some knowledge on you.
You're welcome.
I'll die before I quit reading those posts.
I'm thinking seriously about becoming an incredibly famous professional sports star. I've done tons of research, including watching part of two sports competitions on the TV and speaking for over 30 minutes with a guy whose brother knows someone who played a sport semi-professionally (but he couldn't say more for obvious security reasons).
My concern is that all the fame, accolades, and money I'll receive from being a sports star will change me as a person and take me away from my core values. I'd like to get the opinions and advice of several strangers on the internet first on that topic - before I go to the trouble of learning how to play one of these sports. The one that interests me the most has the word 'ball' in it but I'm not sure all the rest of the exact terminology.
In exchange for your valued advice, I'm willing to offer my views on just about any topic on the board. I'll even go back years on postings to really drop some knowledge on you.
You're welcome.