Breaking - Is there a coup attempt in Turkey?

I've been waiting years for this! Turkey has hope yet. :thumbsup: I'm glad that prick Erdogan is out, I hope him and his cronies remain so!
The soldiers may not want to fire on civilians. The problem is, the civilians want a theocratic dictator, and that's why they're treating the soldiers like this. As distasteful as this is, collateral damage may be a necessity to keep power from the hands of that ass-backwards prickazoid.
"Yes! We must protect our theocratic dictator at all costs!! Death to secularism!"---> Generic Erdogan Supporter.

Stockholm syndrome should be renamed Erdogan's disorder. Turkey is as far beyond saving as the rest of the Middle East. Let it burn.
Fucking hell. I just spent two hours putting together a grill, totally oblivious to the subsequent developments in this event. I turn on the news and hear that the coup has failed! Goddamnit!
I see people roaming the streets in Turkey with their child, that's crazy.

Whether I'm for or against something I'm not bringing my child out at 3am in the morning.
Maybe NATO should think about cutting ties to Turkey?
Can a country get booted out of the alliance?

I have always believed that the only reason Turkey was brought into NATO was to keep it out of Russia's hands.
I have always believed that the only reason Turkey was brought into NATO was to keep it out of Russia's hands.
Agree, but I think we need to reassess Turkey's value; or just start dumping lots of money into Greece and watch the Turks wig out (maybe recognize an independent Kurdistan)
Thinking about this, I am curious as to how (if at all) this affects operations Incirlik Air Base?
Thinking about this, I am curious as to how (if at all) this affects operations Incirlik Air Base?

I was wondering the same thing. Not just Incirlik, but the ports as well.

As of 3 hours ago? Not one damn bit. The base was on high/ highest alert, but we kept flying and the Turks didn't try and stop us. It was business as usual.
Well, to execute this, it took a lot of planning and coordination. Especially if it was a revolt of colonels, as I read somewhere the leader of the Coup is a colonel. But they definitely didn't do enough. Oh well.
Turkey has coups fairly often, usually by the military in order to reign in Islamist governments. Hell, their last one happened in 1997, and before that 1980. It's pretty frequent, and hopefully this one will bring Turkey's government back to secularism, at least for another 20 years or so.

The soldiers may not want to fire on civilians. The problem is, the civilians want a theocratic dictator, and that's why they're treating the soldiers like this. As distasteful as this is, collateral damage may be a necessity to keep power from the hands of that ass-backwards prickazoid.

"Yes! We must protect our theocratic dictator at all costs!! Death to secularism!"---> Generic Erdogan Supporter.

Stockholm syndrome should be renamed Erdogan's disorder. Turkey is as far beyond saving as the rest of the Middle East. Let it burn.

No matter what Hillary wants to believe (or wants us to believe), a secular gov't rising up from a coup in an Islamic country is probably about as likely as a good Nickelback song.