Breaking - Is there a coup attempt in Turkey?

WTF, over?

Incirlik Air Base is still without power

WASHINGTON — The air base at Incirlik, Turkey, used by the U.S.-led coalition to launch airstrikes and other missions against the Islamic State group, remains without power four days after a failed coup. Officials say there has been no move yet to turn it back on.

The U.S. has been relying on back-up generators to run base facilities and continue flight operations out of Incirlik.

So far, officials say there hasn't been much impact on the flights out of Incirlik, which include airstrike, surveillance, refueling and other missions. But some missions have been shifted to other locations, and officials won't specify how many.

On Tuesday, U.S. officials said they still have no idea when or if the power will be turned back on, but they said that base operations can continue with the generator power. Over time, however, there could be more significant ramifications.

"I don't believe it's a limiting factor right now," Pentagon press secretary Peter Cook said when asked about the issue Monday. "I think it's safe to say over time that it could become a limiting factor."

Air conditioners, food storage and preparation, and other daily living requirements depend on power as much as the runway lighting and air operations systems do.

State Department spokesman Mark Toner said he was not aware if the base power issue came up in when President Barack Obama spoke to Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan on Tuesday. Carter spoke with Turkish Defense Minister Fikri Isik on Tuesday, and the Pentagon said they discussed the importance of operations at Incirlik Air Base, but officials refused to say if the power issue came up.

"If there's no power at Incirlik or if we remain on generated power or generator power, that's going to be a problem going forward," Toner said. "But again, U.S. Central Command is looking at that and obviously has contingency plans in place to address that."
WTF, over?

We had an earlier thread about Turkey...they aren't our allies and this should surprise no one. Flight ops continued shortly after the coup, but then shut down for a bit before resuming.

If you took a list of countries who are our "allies" and rated them, I'd put Turkey in the bottom third with the likes of Saudi Arabia, but above PK and Qatar. The UAE and Jordan would occupy the upper tier of countries.
Everyone who is shocked, raise your hands.

Turkey arrests pilots who shot down Russian bomber; linked to failed coup

ANKARA, Turkey, July 19 (UPI) -- Two Turkish military pilots who shot down a Russian Su-24M bomber over Syria have been arrested in connection with the failed coup last week, the country's justice minister said Tuesday.

The day after the coup attempt, the mayor of Ankara, Melih Gokcek, said on CNN Turk the pilots were involved in the uprising. Specifically, he said one of the pilots belonged to a secret "parallel state" organization allegedly headed by cleric Fethullah Gulen, who lives in self-exile in the United States.

Gokcek told CNN Turk that "our relations with Russia have been spoiled by these villains."

The list of countries I hate in this region is starting to sound like Arya Stark's death list. Cersei Lannister, Pakistan, The Hound, Turkey, Meryn Trant...
At least we know the mastermind's identity...

Geraldo vouches for US general accused of plotting failed Turkish coup | Fox News

Yeni Safak, a Turkish tabloid known as friendly to the increasingly authoritarian regime in Ankara, hit newsstands Monday with a front-page blaring in Turkish “This man led the coup,” alongside a picture of U.S. Army Gen. J.F. Campbell.

It was news to Campbell, who retired in May after a distinguished, 37-year career that saw him most recently serve in both the Afghanistan and Iraq wars. Campbell served as commander of the NATO International Security Assistance Force from August 2014 to earlier this year.