**BREAKING NEWS** Angelina Splits Up From Brad

I only clicked to "hate" your post! That said :

She wants custody all six kids...If I’m Brad Pitt, about to be 50 and newly single, and on the prowl for hot twenty-somethings, I'’m thinking...”oh no! Not that!!!”
You started it...

Well........my day is now complete.

When two actors begin a "serious" relationship, how does one know when the other is not acting?
that reminds me of a Rock Hudson joke. I cannot remember anything but the punchline being something about Jim Neighbors and a Piece of the Rock.

'Do you know what Jim Neighbors and Prudential Insurance have in common? They've both gotten a piece of The Rock.'

For those... mature enough to remember Jim Neighbors. Or getting a "Piece of The Rock" with Prudential. :D
