British Soldier Killed in Helmand Province


Verified SOF
Dec 29, 2008
The City of Destiny
SOF Mentor
Recently here in Helmand. Bad news. Sorry to see him go, all of his friends spoke very highly of him. Fair winds, Brother.

The unnamed man serving in the 14 Signals Regiment (Electronic Warfare) was killed while in the Helmand Province of the war torn area.

It is the seventh death of a British soldier in the country this year and brings the total casualty rate since operations began in October 2011 to 445.

The soldier received immediate medical attention at the scene in the Kakaran area, north east of Lashkar Gah, but died from his injuries.

Task Force Helmand spokesman Lieutenant Colonel Hywel Lewis said: "A fantastic soldier has tragically died defending his comrades.

"He was the brightest and the best.

The soldier died while on patrol in the scene in the Kakaran area [GOOGLE]

He was the brightest and the best

Task Force Helmand spokesman Lieutenant Colonel Hywel Lewis

"Those who served alongside him were privileged and feel his loss most deeply.

"Our prayers and thoughts are with his family at this extremely difficult time."
The soldier was serving in a regiment which, according to the army's website, find enemy's communications and try to exploit and possibly disrupt them.

The MoD did not name the soldier but said his next of kin had been informed.

Last week outgoing Task Force Helmand commander Brigadier Rupert Jones paid tribute to the courage and achievement of his troops during their tour.