If you want to see combat and go to schools, either or will work. 11B is more likely, but it really depends on the unit and A/O you are deployed to.
The last two MOH awarded were to 19D deployed to Afghanistan.
That said, I would recommend 11B, unless of course you want to wear a cowboy hat and silly spurs. Better training, more units to go to, faster promotions, easier to get schools, no silly hats or spurs, and most of all, you get to make fun of everyone else, b/c everyone knows that the Infantry is the tip of the spear, no matter how much they try to lie to themselves (LRSU= Infantry / Rangers = Infantry / SF = Infantry).
What schools are available to Infantry that aren't available to Cav scouts? also i know that in GA if i went Infantry they would probably throw me in any unit, but if i go Cav scout they are saying i will be placed in the 108th 1st Squadron RSTA of the 48th IBCT. so i guess im trying to see if that is a more prestigious start or not
I probably should have, but i intend on moving forward to active duty after a few deploymentsSo you are going part time... you probably should have mentioned that...
What schools are available to Infantry that aren't available to Cav scouts? also i know that in GA if i went Infantry they would probably throw me in any unit, but if i go Cav scout they are saying i will be placed in the 108th 1st Squadron RSTA of the 48th IBCT. so i guess im trying to see if that is a more prestigious start or not
I probably should have, but i intend on moving forward to active duty after a few deployments
honestly i burned my bridges with my last MP company and so when i got out it wasn't on great terms and the only thing that would except me at this time was The Guard
Probably also should have mentioned this a bit sooner...
@pardus.. honestly i burned my bridges with my last MP company and so when i got out it wasn't on great terms and the only thing that would except me at this time was The Guard, but i am thankful for even this much because i have learned from my mistakes and intend on going active later.
Probably also should have mentioned this a bit sooner...
I didnt know how personal i wanted to get yet
*i really your signature quote though*
Tropicana hit the nail on the head. If you come here looking for help you better be upfront from the get go or you will burn bridges here very fast. Understood?
Going active is definitely possible IF your Guard unit allows it. I would advise you to find out how disposed they are to something like that (if you intend to request a transfer during your Guard contract), I know my Guard unit is extremely reluctant to do it. I just found out that one guy has just been granted that, out of many who have tried over the years Ive been there. So that might be factored into what unit you want to join (and I'd be very careful about how I approached that, if you tell the wrong person that you are using them as a stepping stone you might find yourself dead in the water very quickly).