Cavalry or Infantry?

It is one thing to get your Guard/Reserve unit to sign the release form, quite another to get USAREC to sign you. In the current environment, I would say it is improbably at best, impossible at worst when it comes to you going active as a prior service guy, especially into a combat arms MOS.
It is one thing to get your Guard/Reserve unit to sign the release form, quite another to get USAREC to sign you. In the current environment, I would say it is improbably at best, impossible at worst when it comes to you going active as a prior service guy, especially into a combat arms MOS.

I figured i would wait a while try and volunteer for some deployments with anyone who will take me while im in the Guard and maybe ask you guys on Shadowspear when im thinking about going active to see if any of that has changed


A, that doesn't make sense as it's not your first post. B, No, there's no such thing. Just like in the Army, every action you make here determines your future.
Be All You Can Be.

Lol. gotcha. i was just joking
Lol. gotcha. i was just joking

OK, a sense of humor is very important.

^ also im not very great at using this response box yet as you can see

One piece of advice, slow down a little. Double check what you are posting. This isn't some random bullshit internet site where what you say doesn't matter. Some members here are part of the units you are aspiring to, always keep that in mind.
OK, a sense of humor is very important.

One piece of advice, slow down a little. Double check what you are posting. This isn't some random bullshit internet site where what you say doesn't matter. Some members here are part of the units you are aspiring to, always keep that in mind.

I understand i will say only what is needed from now on
OP- I will not use your screen name, it's fallacious, self serving and as of this moment, I can see no reason that you have earned it, we have some Rock Stars on this board, but you'll have to figure out who those Studs and Stud-ettes are, they don't advertise too much - and those of us that do know what they've done and where, hold them in awe and treasure their camaraderie and in many cases, friendship.

1. Be honest with the membership and leadership of this board if you want help - lies by omission are as egregious as lies of commission. Anything that is germane to your situation, good or bad can be addressed and possible paths laid out for you to follow - waivers, training, education, usw - to help you achieve your goals - there are some pretty good people - well placed people here. Have Honor, Integrity and Duty as your key words.

2. Don't focus on the 'cool guy' stuff, each 25m target is important. You were an MP, fine - you want to be a Combat Arms guy now, fine - it's not about schools and badges and bling - it's about being a dedicated Infantryman or Cav Scout, and being outstanding at your job - then taking it to the next level. Period.

3. If you want to be taken seriously on this site, or as an NCO, you had better step up your writing skills, proper grammar, spelling, capitalization, usage and punctuation will make your intentions and communication much more clear and readable. And no bullshit about typing on a phone, it's not going to fly.

In conclusion - unless you've done something that besmirches our collective Honor, or your own - or have an unrecoverable medical issue - we'll give guidance for you to get to your goals. Remember, the core of this board is verified SOF, if that's one of your ultimate goals, you are in the right place for sure - if your goal is to just be the best at what you do, this is the right place for you.

Make your own decisions, make your own choices, make your own mistakes - but own all of them.
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@Freefalling.. thank you for your input

I detect a little snark in your post, so to explain my comments:

I was an NCO who went to OCS. I've seen both sides of the fence. I can say that in either role, and I dealt with this scenario, that if you came to me asking about schools or mentioned a job's "prestige" you and I would have a conversation.
1) You instantly come across as a badge hunter.
2) What benefit does the unit gain from sending you to a school?
3) Have you earned the right for a unit to spend training dollars on you and your school? (As a new guy, less than 2-3 years in, the answer is "No, no, and no.")
4) "Prestige." Only a kid or fan boy talks about that. Speak to seasoned pro, Conventional or SOF, and you won't hear of the topic. You'll hear about good units or good missions and that's about it. You're speaking of appearances and what people will think of you because you belong to that unit. If you're worried about that then take your narcissism to some type of selection course and see how you and your ego stack up.

- Look at your long term goals and backward plan from there.
- Have the mentality that you're starting over. Be humble.
- With a plan in mind focus on the next goal.

The rest will start to fall into place, but you're playing Pop Warner and wondering what dorm you'll live in as a starter in college.