Choose your Apocalypse


Verified Military
Jan 16, 2010
Kemptville, Ontario
I believe we are eventually going out one way or another..I choose the zombie apocalypse scenario.I have no need to go down in a blaze of glory. Actually read about 4-5 yrs back the US Military had zombified some pigs. Wouldnt that scenario be more fun than Revelations predicts? Whats your ideal situ if we are on our way out?
Cubans will infiltrate the United States through Texas as illegal immigrants, conducting reconnaissance on our nuclear arsenal for the Soviet Union. The Soviet Union will than launch their arsenal against our missile sites with devastating accuracy, far outside their believed capability. This will be followed by a joint Cuban and Nicaraguan invasion from the South. With a Soviet Union lead invasion from the North across Alaska and through Canada. The war will become conventional once battle lines are established. However, young Americans will conduct unconventional warfare operations in rural, mountainous areas, with the expectation that the US Army Green Berets will infiltrate occupied territory and assist small rebel groups in conducting more strategically effective UW operations against the communist invaders.......WOLVERINES!

ETA: Patrick Swasey will die.
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Actually read about 4-5 yrs back the US Military had zombified some pigs.

Ahhh so that's why the U.S. Military is always nonexistent in zombie movies. Add on all the protesters near bases and no wonder the virus/ infection/ bio-weapon/"we were to lazy to come up with a cause" spreads so quickly. In either case you'll find me at my local mall/WalMart/gun store/Applebees with the dumbest fuckers I can find thinking of ways to split up post haste, raining running head shots like it's going out of style.
I'm going with Judgement Day, and Schwarzenneger fixes everything, except in the end gets past the whole "immigration" thing and gets elected POTUS.
Come on people, we all know it doesn't matter how it starts or what it is. But deep in the back of your mind, you know it will end up being some Deliverance style shit, and your just praying some toothless wonders are not making you squeal like a pig as they chase you around in your under wear.