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Morality and Warfare make such good bedfellows for a conversation topic - I like the reference to a "moral compass" as a launch point for my metaphoric rant.
Everyone likes to think that "their" moral compass always points north. Well - what "north" are you talking about?? There are different types of North and a compass points to magnetic north not 'true' north. Different types of north just like their are different moral standards. Obviously - since we are discussing "morality" we simply MUST be talking about "TRUE" north.
For this metaphor to make any fucking sense in the first place. After all, Morality equals Truth - amiright?
HOT TIP - even a perfectly functioning compass doesn't point to 'TRUE" north if it hasn't been correctly adjusted - a person would be fucked if they strictly relied on their moral compass - even if their compass is reliable and PURE. Especially if your compass is "PURE"
Failing to apply the proper declination to your compass will lead you to the wrong destination EVERY TIME no matter how high the quality of your compass. In fact, if you are in Seattle or New York, your compass is going to be about 15 degrees out of tune with "TRUE" north the very first time you use it. So far off track just because of where you were born.
...I'm not suggesting that those in Seattle or New York have an uncorrected moral code - its just a coincidence.
Consider a few map reading 'facts' as they relate (metaphorically) to morality...
Whenever someone is handed a map - they normally "assume" that the top of the map is north. We assume the person handing us the map handed it to us in good faith because north is always the top of the page - well, sometimes it isn't. Morality is funny that way - your friend might be looking at the map correctly with the best of intentions - but from your perspective, the map "looks" upside down. More concerning is that sometimes the person handing you the map has nefarious intentions behind trying to mislead you to 'which way is North'
Friend or foe - no matter who hands you the map - you ALWAYS need to to orient the map to the terrain you are standing on to make sure that you AND the map are both in unison.
The military complicates the Map-Morality-Metaphor even more because they throw in "grid" north. The rank and file civilian already has problems figuring out which "moral-north" to follow if they haven't had time to declinate their compass; now the military comes along with a grid system that adds 'grid' north to your dilemma.
Oh geez-o-whiz which which moral-north is the most important?
Stick with me - I think I have a point to make...................
Maps need to be updated every so often - roads change, areas become built up, even entire hill tops are leveled to make room for new construction. Maybe the landscape is the same but the declination has changed (declination changes over time). That's right - you heard me - the difference between TRUE north and the moral-magnetic-north on your compass changes based on where you are as well as WHEN you are. Just like our own personal moral views evolve over time - a compass needle constantly searches for an ever changing destination.
If you adjusted your moral compass to point to true north while you were in New York and then YEARS later you move to New Orleans - your compass is going to seem all fucked up again.
...again, I'm not suggesting there is a moral irregularity with New Yorkers - its just a metaphor !!!
You have to have a current map for the terrain you are on - you have to make sure you orient the map - you have to working compass - then of course, you have to make sure the declination on your compass matches your map.
-You dont always NEED a compass if you are really good at reading a map but even the best maps have errors and landscape changes, so be careful
-You dont always NEED a map if you are really good at using your compass but even a cellphone could depolarize the needle and make it point south
-Events throughout your life might change YOUR needle and cause a conflict between your compass and TRUE north
Now - since the original question was ALSO in the context of the GWOT and the wars we have been involved in over the last 20 years you have to add yet ANOTHER variable into this entire "Moral Compass Metaphor"
...only Western Civilization considers "North" as the basic direction from which all others are measured.
Islam uses a different compass to guide their path - their moral compass points to the qibla - which by the way is NOT north. You might not want to use a qibla compass with an American map if you don't understand how to integrate opposing cultures while
Which method is correct?
To address a few other comments from the original poster - freedom of thought is NEVER limited in this profession - it is cultivated and praised. Freedom of action and freedom of speech may be limited but freedom of thought is not (at least not yet - the democrats still haven't overthrown the American people).
That documentary, "Why We Fight Now- The GWOT" only reflects the view point of the folks that produced it. Some may feel the same - some may not - some may be right smack in the middle. There are probably a lot of folks that were interviewed that got NO screen time because their comments didn't "fit the narrative" that the documentarian was trying to push. What is important to the documentarian is that YOU connected with their message.
It all boils down to "navigation" you cant define morality - you have to navigate morality.
You cant just blindly follow a compass or you'll walk off a cliff. Morality in warfare is something that MUST be navigated unless you want to end up in the nut house.
You MUST acknowledge that times and attitudes change and in order to navigate the modern world, you have to periodically update your map and do maintenance on your moral-compass.
If you're worried about getting "lost" or you are just plain uncomfortable being alone and unafraid with nothing more than your map and moral comapss then you should try and stay out of the woods.
Everyone likes to think that "their" moral compass always points north. Well - what "north" are you talking about?? There are different types of North and a compass points to magnetic north not 'true' north. Different types of north just like their are different moral standards. Obviously - since we are discussing "morality" we simply MUST be talking about "TRUE" north.
For this metaphor to make any fucking sense in the first place. After all, Morality equals Truth - amiright?
HOT TIP - even a perfectly functioning compass doesn't point to 'TRUE" north if it hasn't been correctly adjusted - a person would be fucked if they strictly relied on their moral compass - even if their compass is reliable and PURE. Especially if your compass is "PURE"
Failing to apply the proper declination to your compass will lead you to the wrong destination EVERY TIME no matter how high the quality of your compass. In fact, if you are in Seattle or New York, your compass is going to be about 15 degrees out of tune with "TRUE" north the very first time you use it. So far off track just because of where you were born.
...I'm not suggesting that those in Seattle or New York have an uncorrected moral code - its just a coincidence.
Consider a few map reading 'facts' as they relate (metaphorically) to morality...
Whenever someone is handed a map - they normally "assume" that the top of the map is north. We assume the person handing us the map handed it to us in good faith because north is always the top of the page - well, sometimes it isn't. Morality is funny that way - your friend might be looking at the map correctly with the best of intentions - but from your perspective, the map "looks" upside down. More concerning is that sometimes the person handing you the map has nefarious intentions behind trying to mislead you to 'which way is North'
Friend or foe - no matter who hands you the map - you ALWAYS need to to orient the map to the terrain you are standing on to make sure that you AND the map are both in unison.
The military complicates the Map-Morality-Metaphor even more because they throw in "grid" north. The rank and file civilian already has problems figuring out which "moral-north" to follow if they haven't had time to declinate their compass; now the military comes along with a grid system that adds 'grid' north to your dilemma.
Oh geez-o-whiz which which moral-north is the most important?
Stick with me - I think I have a point to make...................
Maps need to be updated every so often - roads change, areas become built up, even entire hill tops are leveled to make room for new construction. Maybe the landscape is the same but the declination has changed (declination changes over time). That's right - you heard me - the difference between TRUE north and the moral-magnetic-north on your compass changes based on where you are as well as WHEN you are. Just like our own personal moral views evolve over time - a compass needle constantly searches for an ever changing destination.
If you adjusted your moral compass to point to true north while you were in New York and then YEARS later you move to New Orleans - your compass is going to seem all fucked up again.
...again, I'm not suggesting there is a moral irregularity with New Yorkers - its just a metaphor !!!
You have to have a current map for the terrain you are on - you have to make sure you orient the map - you have to working compass - then of course, you have to make sure the declination on your compass matches your map.
-You dont always NEED a compass if you are really good at reading a map but even the best maps have errors and landscape changes, so be careful
-You dont always NEED a map if you are really good at using your compass but even a cellphone could depolarize the needle and make it point south
-Events throughout your life might change YOUR needle and cause a conflict between your compass and TRUE north
Now - since the original question was ALSO in the context of the GWOT and the wars we have been involved in over the last 20 years you have to add yet ANOTHER variable into this entire "Moral Compass Metaphor"
...only Western Civilization considers "North" as the basic direction from which all others are measured.
Islam uses a different compass to guide their path - their moral compass points to the qibla - which by the way is NOT north. You might not want to use a qibla compass with an American map if you don't understand how to integrate opposing cultures while
Which method is correct?
To address a few other comments from the original poster - freedom of thought is NEVER limited in this profession - it is cultivated and praised. Freedom of action and freedom of speech may be limited but freedom of thought is not (at least not yet - the democrats still haven't overthrown the American people).
That documentary, "Why We Fight Now- The GWOT" only reflects the view point of the folks that produced it. Some may feel the same - some may not - some may be right smack in the middle. There are probably a lot of folks that were interviewed that got NO screen time because their comments didn't "fit the narrative" that the documentarian was trying to push. What is important to the documentarian is that YOU connected with their message.
It all boils down to "navigation" you cant define morality - you have to navigate morality.
You cant just blindly follow a compass or you'll walk off a cliff. Morality in warfare is something that MUST be navigated unless you want to end up in the nut house.
You MUST acknowledge that times and attitudes change and in order to navigate the modern world, you have to periodically update your map and do maintenance on your moral-compass.
If you're worried about getting "lost" or you are just plain uncomfortable being alone and unafraid with nothing more than your map and moral comapss then you should try and stay out of the woods.
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