Pictures or shenanigans!
I with Spit on this, I just couldn't believe they are there. The CIA? Operating in foreign countries? lolwut?
Probably Jack Ryan...I'm always curious to who "an American official and a former U.S. intelligence officer" would be, or who would think that it's a good idea to tell media anything.
Nah, you guys have this all wrong - this is just a classic disinformation spin - the CIA approved this leak from the very highest of the lofty high-ups! The true truth is they're all in Mexico on Spring Break and just want the American people to think they're doing their jobs...
... But I hear the Mediterranean is great this time of year...
When do the Europeans have their Spring Break?
I'm always curious to who "an American official and a former U.S. intelligence officer" would be, or who would think that it's a good idea to tell media anything.
yes... it's for this reason that refugees run towards us....... it's all inclusive guys.... including return ticketRuns from 1 Jan to 31 Dec.