College entrance "scandal"

I know now the woke are going after Kushner. What Kushner's dad did though is perfectly legal. Giving a ginormous gift to the Endowment and never saying a word isn't faking anything. Otherwise we're gonna turn Booster Clubs and Legacy slots upside down all over this country. I would not be surprised if that includes Service Academies either.

What these people did though is rather hilarious, they hired a bribery firm. And I bet their kids are all on Social exclaiming about how white privilege is bad too. :ROFLMAO::p:ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
Hi - I would like to donate some money to build you a library - on a different topic - my children would really really like to attend school here

Hi - my kid isnt very athletic and, well, my kid is dumb as a stump - here are a few photo-shopped pictures that make my kid look like an athlete and a check for a million dollars - I'll drop him off out front next Tuesday.

...and to think, a few congress critters have been run out of town over accusations that they may have plagiarized term papers when they were in college.
I guess the other thing I want to know is how much this investigation cost? Because if it's significantly more than what these people were caught for we can call that a waste? White collar crimes and all that.

Since when does the USA care about how much money is wasted investigating the lives of the elite?
Find SOMETHING on these fuckers no matter what it costs and then perp-walk them jokers on the 6 O'clock news
I demand to be entertained !!!
I think some people don’t appreciate what a big deal this is because they don’t realize how life-changing it can be to go to one of these schools. The resources and opportunities afforded by some of these institutions put theor graduates on a path not just to the middle class, but to the upper strata of the upper class.

Look at the people who run this country and look at where they went to school.
Then the way about this is eliminating the sliding scale of the NCAA and moving to general population standards for Athletes. That would significantly change the game.
I think some people don’t appreciate what a big deal this is because they don’t realize how life-changing it can be to go to one of these schools. The resources and opportunities afforded by some of these institutions put theor graduates on a path not just to the middle class, but to the upper strata of the upper class.

Look at the people who run this country and look at where they went to school.

I don’t think you’re making the case you think you’re making. Rich people “think” they can do whatever they want because they can afford to buy their way out of a jam.

Fuck the rich who fuck the unrich. (Graduated from junor college)
I guess the other thing I want to know is how much this investigation cost? Because if it's significantly more than what these people were caught for we can call that a waste? White collar crimes and all that.

So I take it in general your approach to law enforcement is "don't do it"? My point is, the cost is irrelevant since it's budgeted for anyway. Where is the line drawn as to what is "worth" it (in a financial sense) to you?
The details about this are utterly insane. Fake athletic profiles, Photoshopped pictures, blatant, easily checked lies on applications...unreal.
...but none of the schools or receipants are under investigation or will face repercussions. :sneaky:
I think some people don’t appreciate what a big deal this is because they don’t realize how life-changing it can be to go to one of these schools. The resources and opportunities afforded by some of these institutions put theor graduates on a path not just to the middle class, but to the upper strata of the upper class.

Look at the people who run this country and look at where they went to school.

Bold face part.
Those who did not read Ben Shapiro's (sp?) take should.

The "donations" also constitute hundreds of thousands of dollars in tax fraud in addition to all the other stuff.

The folks who lecture about "white privilege" and inequalities are doing this to make their kids "more equal" then your kids. As a parent I don't necessarily blame them for trying to give their kids a leg up, it's how they did it that is wrong.

Don Lemon, he of CNN fame and fortune, put out a piece linking Trump to this :rolleyes:.

Is this a big deal? Sure. But they are only trying to affect one part of the problem. It's like a doc who treats someone with multiple GSWs with a single band aid.

This should be merely a step 1. Step 2, ban legacy admissions for kids who don't meet the same academic standards. Step 3, ban quid-pro-quo admissions for school or booster donors. I am certain there are more steps but it's early and I am undercaffeinated and that's all I got....
Then the way about this is eliminating the sliding scale of the NCAA and moving to general population standards for Athletes. That would significantly change the game.

Blowing up the NCAA would be helpful. But definitely eliminate that sliding scale.

Our friend is in sports information for Duke football, she said that 75% of SEC football players would not qualify at Duke (she held the same position for one of the Mississippi SEC schools). College athletics, the NCAA, and admissions are such a racket.