Crisis in the UK (Royalty related)


Combined Action
Verified Military
Jun 29, 2014
Decisive Terrain
Forget Impeachment, forget Iran, forget Australia burning...That scheming little Yoko Ono bitch Megan is ripping up the fabric of the British Monarchy, now that she got Archie the Anchor Baby...(I ain't sayin she's a golddigga, but she ain't goin with no broke n**ga...)

Prince William: Harry and I are now separate entities
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Harry's still a pimp. Someone slide him an application to be a US citizen.

They're coming to Canuckistan. There's a big movement here to have Harry be our next Governor General, which other Royal's have filled the position in the past. He'd definitely be a better choice than our current astronaut/dimwit.

Governor General
"Work"? What does he do?? #getajobbum

The Royal's don't just lay around all day, doing nothing. He was a Captain in the Army, served 10 year's and included 2 tours to Afghanistan. He volunteers at the Army's Personnel Recovery Unit (like Walter Reed) and is the man behind the Invictus Games. Besides all of the other charities he runs.

The Duke of Sussex
The Royal's don't just lay around all day, doing nothing. He was a Captain in the Army, served 10 year's and included 2 tours to Afghanistan. He volunteers at the Army's Personnel Recovery Unit (like Walter Reed) and is the man behind the Invictus Games. Besides all of the other charities he runs.

The Duke of Sussex

Yes, I know. I was commenting on my opinion of the royals in general as being functionally useless.

I am well aware of his and his brother's and his father's and his grandfather's service.

But yeah, I do think that most of royals sit around converting oxygen and being functional useless.
Yes, I know. I was commenting on my opinion of the royals in general as being functionally useless.

I am well aware of his and his brother's and his father's and his grandfather's service.

But yeah, I do think that most of royals sit around converting oxygen and being functional useless.

Same could be said for any of your leadership. For a country that got rid of a monarchy, you always seem to elect the same families. There's at least 10 large dynasties but I'm sure there's more.
Same could be said for any of your leadership. For a country that got rid of a monarchy, you always seem to elect the same families. There's at least 10 large dynasties but I'm sure there's more.

I largely agree. I absolutely believe in term limits for all politicians, we should not have a professional electorate who gets rich on the taxpayer.

The only big difference is that theoretically I could become president, but to be a royal you have to be genetically gifted and have that weird sister cousin relationship thing.
Charles has already stated that when he becomes king the whole ‘royal’ thing would be wound back to just the immediate family, so the rest of the family best follow Harry’s footsteps and start looking for ways to be independent.

I’m not really a royalist, but Harry is the man. I think it speaks volumes about the person he is that he’s prepared to give up such a life and try to write his own ticket for he and his family.

Good luck to the three of them.
Hell - we even have a former president that used the words "governing class" when talking about US politicians.

At least other countries are open and honest about the existence of royal families

We have to pretend that the House of Clinton isn't really a thing. We have to pretend that the Kennedy empire being referred to as fucking "Camelot" was just another example of the Mandella Effect. The Cuomo empire doesn't really exist; it's just people accidentally conflating Freedo Corleone with a talk show host in an effort to smear his fathers good name - names like Biden Kerry McCain Pelosi Bush Bloomberg - how could anyone possibly suggest that these families somehow use their political power to attract wealth - or their wealth to attract political power - or even worse - that these families could in any way whatsoever influence the way that the US government runs...

We are a nation of dignity and honor - cursed with an orange executive interloper that is somehow interfering with an imaginary pre-existing establishment.
The crisis in the UK is no different from the crisis going on here in the colonies
@Scarecrow , totally agree, I admire his convictions and balls to give up the royal teat and do the right thing for his family. I give them a lot of crap, but even I recognize that is a really hard thing to do, flying in the face of hundreds of years of tradition.

I give serious props to any man who tries to put his family in a better situation.