CSPAN: Live testimony by Clinton on Benghazi

Sorry -- I was referring to the document they were reading and referring to during the questioning. I guess this is the one I am seeing right now that she is reading in the replay.
She should resign. I've noticed that people in high positions in power have rarely had their feet held to the fire. It's most of the time a "failure of x,y,z" or "a systems failure", or "policy blah blah blah".
She has one foot out the door. She could show up like Nathan Jessup, tell them she ordered the Code Red, and walk right out. What could anyone do? Force her to resign? Jail time? Who is going to throw her in the slammer? Pffttt...she could flat out admit that she saw the request for more security and turned it down because she could care less about some career public servant and a bunch of "mercenaries" off in some third world crap hole most people couldn't find on a map. You know what would happen to her?

Not a damn thing.

It doesn't matter how wrong or culpable she is, the sad reality is not one damn thing would happen to her. The only reason to show up and play the spin game is her image or legacy or even a future run at a higher office if she wanted to, but justice?

Not bloody likely, old chap, and you might as well become comfortable with the concept.

It sucks, but that's reality.
I didn't watch all of the Senate hearing, but I must admit she came off to be pompous bitch- in particular during the Rand Paul grilling. I'm sorry, but four American lives were lost because of your agency's lack of competence. You need to get your fucking hand out from underneath your chin, stop condescendingly smirking, and take this shit seriously- or at least pretend to so it doesn't appear that we're inconveniencing your day in holding you responsible. Or maybe inconveniencing your plans for whatever political post you plan to use your husband's name for next.. Maybe that's more appropriate.

I also believe she deserves an Oscar for "choking up" when discussing her part in attending the ceremony where the bodies were brought home. She must've taken a page from BO's Newtown speech... "Don't forget to wipe a tear from your eye, Hilldawg."
Rand Paul kind of deserved it - he was asking an irrelevant question. I can't stand people who believe 100% accurate intelligence exists within hours of an event overseas.

Senator McCain confronted her and she was very respectful in her response..