CSPAN: Live testimony by Clinton on Benghazi

The state department wanted to remove a reference to earlier CIA warnings about terror threats in Benghazi and excise the mention of Ansar al-Sharia, a group linked to al-Qaeda, ABC News reported.
State department spokeswoman Victoria Nuland said in an email to intelligence and White House officials obtained by the ABC that the reference should be dropped because it "could be abused by members [of Congress] to beat up the state department for not paying attention to warnings", the network reports.
This whole situation has been blown out of proportion for partisan politics and nothing more.

There have been plenty of other attacks on consulates and other State Department sites under both Democratic and Republican leadership that never had this kind of reaction. Yes they fucked up just previous administration had when we lost Americans.

The truth is the administration fucked up. Congress fucked up when they cut the security budget. Nobody wants to take responsibility, this is about 2016 pure and simple.

So how the fuck did a fucking team with a plane, an hour away, get told to NOT go and save american lives?

There's no budget problem according to the guys on the ground. It wasn't lack of money. Clinton signed off on putting a post in a retarded spot, Obama said NOPE to any rescue ops.

This administration let our people just fucking die in place without the means, men, or knowhow to at least make a Pyrrhic victory out of it one way or another.

This also supports why a tactical nuclear device should be the first thing installed in all embassies. You want to overrun our embassy? It's going to cost you a 4 city block radius.
This whole situation has been blown out of proportion for partisan politics and nothing more.

I thought it was about the 4 Americans left to die, and the families who deserve the truth. Oh and the Americans around the globe at other consulates who hope they are not abandoned the same way. My bad.

Had this happened under Bush's watch he'd have been crucified alive, you know that to be true.
There have been plenty of other attacks on consulates and other State Department sites under both Democratic and Republican leadership that never had this kind of reaction. Yes they fucked up just previous administration had when we lost Americans.
Really?! Is that the argument you're going to stick with?

Aside from being a fallacy (hey, let's talk about anything else other than what actually took place), one very distinct difference between this attack and those that occured with previous administrations, is that no one tried to characterize the previous attacks as anything other than planned and coordinated attacks. None of those attacks ended with the death of the U.S. Ambassador, along with 3 others.

This administration, on the other hand, tried to tell us some yo-yo with a movie caused the problem.
Had this happened under Bush's watch he'd have been crucified alive, you know that to be true.

13 American's died in attacks under the Bush Administration and there isn't a person on this site that could name one of the dead without Googling it. That's the difference between then and now. 53 attacks under Bush and how many hearings did we have for all those attacks? 3 hearing and none of the hoopla that we have had for the 5 separate hearing we have held so far for this 1 incident.

There's no budget problem according to the guys on the ground. It wasn't lack of money. Clinton signed off on putting a post in a retarded spot, Obama said NOPE to any rescue ops.

This administration let our people just fucking die in place without the means, men, or knowhow to at least make a Pyrrhic victory out of it one way or another.

Budgeting has no impact on the amount of preparation that can be done for all of our facilities?

Neither Clinton or Obama are making security decision at any of the 100's of State Department sites. They got professional State Department staff who make those decisions and they haven't provided a single piece of evidence of either Clinton or Obama being anywhere near the decision making on security issues that left them vulnerable.

The only thing that was offered was opinions and every opinion that said they let people die there has been another more credible person who said nothing could be done.

The only consistent thing you see is every conservative that has been on TV was that they preference every statement they made was "if". If this happen OMG! If this proves to be true it will be a bigger cover up then Watergate. So on and so forth.

Congress gets a classified briefing about the attack and McCain, Graham and Ayotte can't attend the briefing because they were holding a press conference at the time to bitch about not getting enough information on the attack from the White House. You can't make this shit up.

But don't worry this investigation is all about finding the truth.:rolleyes:
13 American's died in attacks under the Bush Administration and there isn't a person on this site that could name one of the dead without Googling it. That's the difference between then and now. 53 attacks under Bush and how many hearings did we have for all those attacks? 3 hearing and none of the hoopla that we have had for the 5 separate hearing we have held so far for this 1 incident.

Budgeting has no impact on the amount of preparation that can be done for all of our facilities?

Neither Clinton or Obama are making security decision at any of the 100's of State Department sites. They got professional State Department staff who make those decisions and they haven't provided a single piece of evidence of either Clinton or Obama being anywhere near the decision making on security issues that left them vulnerable.

The only thing that was offered was opinions and every opinion that said they let people die there has been another more credible person who said nothing could be done.

The only consistent thing you see is every conservative that has been on TV was that they preference every statement they made was "if". If this happen OMG! If this proves to be true it will be a bigger cover up then Watergate. So on and so forth.

Congress gets a classified briefing about the attack and McCain, Graham and Ayotte can't attend the briefing because they were holding a press conference at the time to bitch about not getting enough information on the attack from the White House. You can't make this shit up.

But don't worry this investigation is all about finding the truth.:rolleyes:

And you're all about listening to it, since you obviously listened to the 3 whistleblowers who specifically said that SECSTATE has to sign off on specific substandard arrangements for security of locations.

BUSH outright said he had a war going on, accepted that, and worked with it. Why don't you post up what happened since you're the all knowing herpderp who instead of citing sources just pulls crap out of your tailpipe? You want to try to look like you're more knowledgable about it, then prove your position.

Everyone here knows you cowtow your party line, so it's not surprising in the least that you're warblegarbling about Bush when we're not talking about stuff that happened a decade ago, we're talking last year now bud. You can point back at bush all you want, but we're talking about CURRENT events, not the past.... although the white house goombas would like us to consider it the past and not a current event.

After all, It's not like it's the first time in 30 years that a fucking United States Ambassador was fucking KILLED in an ATTACK on a fucking diplomatic location. Not a big deal in the least, nothing to see here, move along
And you're all about listening to it, since you obviously listened to the 3 whistleblowers who specifically said that SECSTATE has to sign off on specific substandard arrangements for security of locations.

BUSH outright said he had a war going on, accepted that, and worked with it. Why don't you post up what happened since you're the all knowing herpderp who instead of citing sources just pulls crap out of your tailpipe? You want to try to look like you're more knowledgable about it, then prove your position.

Everyone here knows you cowtow your party line, so it's not surprising in the least that you're warblegarbling about Bush when we're not talking about stuff that happened a decade ago, we're talking last year now bud. You can point back at bush all you want, but we're talking about CURRENT events, not the past.... although the white house goombas would like us to consider it the past and not a current event.

After all, It's not like it's the first time in 30 years that a fucking United States Ambassador was fucking KILLED in an ATTACK on a fucking diplomatic location. Not a big deal in the least, nothing to see here, move along

Here is a link to a summary of attacks on US Consulates from January '58 to Feb 2013.


If Clinton signed off on specific substandard arrangements do you have a link to those documents? Or do you just have people providing opinion?

Have we stopped fighting the GWOT? Why is Bush exempt and Obama is not to these attacks? I'm not blaming Bush and more than I'm blaming Obama. I'm holding House and Senate Republican's, especially those that have been there under both circumstances, to task for very different reactions based on who is sitting in the White House. Yes what happen in the past matters and like I said before what is happening today has nothing to do with what happened or the men lost that day. It has everything to do with Presidential politics and 2016 and nothing more.
Ok, so you're citing a large portion of attacks minus Karachi and Benghazi, that resulted in the buffer personnel IE FLN's hired as security or detailed as host nation security elements to the diplomatic missions, as deaths.


For anyone not understanding my level of no fucks given about the Foreign Local Nationals:

They are a meat shield. Literally. They choose to take the job knowing that they're protecting a US Embassy or other US State facility. 70% plus either know about, assist with, or just run the fuck away when shit goes down anyway. No fucks given about them.
Why is Bush exempt and Obama is not to these attacks?
Again, a very significant difference is that at no time did Bush try to blame some movie for what took place and never were attacks characterized as anything put but planned, coordinated attacks. And, of course, in none of the previous attacks was the Amdassador and a number of his security detail killed. That alone makes it significantly different.

In addition, in the embassy attacks that occurred during the Bush administration, no Americans were killed, except for one waiting in line outside the walls when the Yemen attack started (show me your 13, my Googlefoo has the day off). None of the embassies were overrun. Never was the embassy and their annex hit simultaneously. Benghazi was significantly different than the others you cite.
Ok, so you're citing a large portion of attacks minus Karachi and Benghazi, that resulted in the buffer personnel IE FLN's hired as security or detailed as host nation security elements to the diplomatic missions, as deaths.


For anyone not understanding my level of no fucks given about the Foreign Local Nationals:

They are a meat shield. Literally. They choose to take the job knowing that they're protecting a US Embassy or other US State facility. 70% plus either know about, assist with, or just run the fuck away when shit goes down anyway. No fucks given about them.

13 American's died in all those attacks as well as a lot of foreign contractors that I also don't give a rats ass about. None of whom were the Ambassador at the time so I guess none of those American deaths rise to the same level and deserve the same scrutiny we see today.
13 American's died in all those attacks as well as a lot of foreign contractors that I also don't give a rats ass about. None of whom were the Ambassador at the time so I guess none of those American deaths rise to the same level and deserve the same scrutiny we see today.
How many of those attacks were hit and run vs how many lasted 8 plus hours?
How many Ambassadors were killed?
Help was not that far away.
How many people living in the US were blamed, then thrown in jail? (yeah, let's not forget the guy who made a youtube video).
How many of those attacks were hit and run vs how many lasted 8 plus hours?
How many Ambassadors were killed?
Help was not that far away.
How many people living in the US were blamed, then thrown in jail? (yeah, let's not forget the guy who made a youtube video).

That was truly outrageous. Our govt pointing fingers at others and trying to suppress someone's 1A right.
Nice scapegoating...that's the ticket.
That was truly outrageous. Our govt pointing fingers at others and trying to suppress someone's 1A right.
Nice scapegoating...that's the ticket.

Anyone who thinks our govt supports and upholds the Constitution, and our rights is fooling themselves or is simply a fool.
i think all these numerous media articles are citing bad sources. Until the CAG guys on the ground and the SF guys in Italy speak out then I'm not crucifying anybody.
13 American's died in attacks under the Bush Administration and there isn't a person on this site that could name one of the dead without Googling it. That's the difference between then and now. 53 attacks under Bush and how many hearings did we have for all those attacks? 3 hearing and none of the hoopla that we have had for the 5 separate hearing we have held so far for this 1 incident.

How many were denied the upfront security or help during the attacks that they requested? I don't remember this, nor anyone blaming a fucking video...but maybe I'm just old and crotchety today.
This whole situation has been blown out of proportion for partisan politics and nothing more.

There have been plenty of other attacks on consulates and other State Department sites under both Democratic and Republican leadership that never had this kind of reaction. Yes they fucked up just previous administration had when we lost Americans.

The truth is the administration fucked up. Congress fucked up when they cut the security budget. Nobody wants to take responsibility, this is about 2016 pure and simple.
FWIW- State did not spend all the money they had in the security budget, so how would cutting have impacted them? Other than a larger pot of unspent funds?

Sorry for the late reply, I was on vacation fishing and my internet access was limited.

I can't cite the 13 deaths completely. I can only site 8 American dead but in my defense State doesn't clearly publish a list of lost personal or the lost of American contractors working for State.
3 Deaths: http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,100102,00.html
American citizens deaths and kidnapping are found on the links of this page:
5 Deaths from Thomas Jefferson Award:

Interesting historical recap of attacks on US Facilities:


FWIW- State did not spend all the money they had in the security budget, so how would cutting have impacted them? Other than a larger pot of unspent funds?

The problem with that point is the attack occurred 11 days after the fiscal year started so not having all the money spent is not really a valid point. $296 million was cut since 2010 on State Department security budget alone. That is a significant cut and impacts the overall security operation.
Sorry for the late reply, I was on vacation fishing and my internet access was limited.

I can't cite the 13 deaths completely. I can only site 8 American dead but in my defense State doesn't clearly publish a list of lost personal or the lost of American contractors working for State.
3 Deaths: http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,100102,00.html
American citizens deaths and kidnapping are found on the links of this page:
5 Deaths from Thomas Jefferson Award:

The problem with that point is the attack occurred 11 days after the fiscal year started so not having all the money spent is not really a valid point. $296 million was cut since 2010 on State Department security budget alone. That is a significant cut and impacts the overall security operation.


FY starts on 1 October, September is the end of the FY. The money was taken back when it became clear State was not going to spend it.

Face it, Hildabeast fucked up, and they can't admit it was a terrorist event because it would get turned into Obama's version of "Mission Accomplished!".