CSPAN: Live testimony by Clinton on Benghazi

You going to answer the question I asked or just ignore it?

This ain't about politics scott, it's about the lives of several good men that were lost and accountability-something no one from rice on up want anything to do with. They would rather it just go away.

PS Both Obama and Clinton said that responsibility for what happens ultimately ends with them. It certainly makes it a huge mistake for the administration but being responsible for a big fuck up doesn't make it a scandal. It makes it a mistake with the most severe consequences.

A little more information:

Wiki Post on No WMD in Iraq with 123 sources

Benghazi Wiki Page with 275 sources.

How much more information is out there and how much more is there to learn?
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"It certainly makes it a huge mistake for the administration but being responsible for a big fuck up doesn't make it a scandal."

Lying about what happened made it a scandal......

There is a public account for what happened that day 1/2 hour by 1/2 hour. What lies specifically are you referencing?
There is a public account for what happened that day 1/2 hour by 1/2 hour. What lies specifically are you referencing?

"It was a video that caused it, not terrorism." On five different talk shows. That was the lie that triggered it. If it was just a fuck up, why fucking lie about it? We're modern America. We're conditioned to the point of masochism to be accepting of other people's hatred of us. Saying it was cocked up would've been ugly but true.
PS Both Obama and Clinton said that responsibility for what happens ultimately ends with them. It certainly makes it a huge mistake for the administration but being responsible for a big fuck up doesn't make it a scandal. It makes it a mistake with the most severe consequences.

A little more information:

Wiki Post on No WMD in Iraq with 123 sources

Benghazi Wiki Page with 275 sources.

How much more information is out there and how much more is there to learn?

a. Why/how does Iraqi WMD tie in,
b. The no WMD in Iraq is wrong.
Sometimes I just shake my head at some of the things you post Scotth.

We know there were WMD in Iraq, we even found some, albeit not in the numbers we were told they thought/knew were there.
I can't believe you are defending the actions of this administration over their disgraceful conduct over Benghazi. This administration allowed an American Ambassador to get murdered, a totally preventable and expected murder.
Bringing Republicans past conduct into this is scrapping the barrel and frankly petty.
Oh, and lemme tell you a little story about something that happened in Iraq. It happened to the guys I was replacing about 72 hours before my unit arrived in theater, but the incident report was shared with my unit, so it's documented and NOT ANECDOTAL.

One night, they got a call for an "asphalt farmer" trying to sow his seed in the evening hours. Hit him with the x-spray, and he popped hot for explosives (he actually claimed it's because he was a farmer that he popped hot with the x-spray).

So, while the appropriate people were logging him into BATS/HIDES, my guys were able to identify a burster collar on the round he had placed. Basic ord ID, and it had the key ID features of a chem round. A swipe of the chem paper showed it was mustard, with a definitive lack of hot dog vendors in the AO. Four days later, the asphalt farmer (who's now in custody) had blisters all over his arms and chest exactly where you'd expect for where he'd have carried a mustard round. Tried blaming the x-spray for it, too.

My point is that guy didn't pick up the shell at a yard sale. When we had the initial barn storming in 2003, all the ordnance that Saddam was in possession of wound up getting looted by gen pop, just like the museum in Baghdad and anywhere else they could get in. That includes all the chem rounds that Saddam never got rid of after Gulf War 1.0. Thankfully, hajji usually didn't know what he had when the mustards found their way into IEDs.

And before you say that was a one off, I'll remind you that a couple of my brothers in the 710th, to include a couple of guys from the security element got bit by mustard while I was on that deployment, too. No WMDs my fat white ass.
There is a book out by a guy who flew air evac missions in OIF. He talks about bringing guys back with blisters all over, but no one would (publicly) admit it was mustard.

Doesn't include guys who seemed to have radiation exposure.

Oh, and lemme tell you a little story about something that happened in Iraq. It happened to the guys I was replacing about 72 hours before my unit arrived in theater, but the incident report was shared with my unit, so it's documented and NOT ANECDOTAL.

One night, they got a call for an "asphalt farmer" trying to sow his seed in the evening hours. Hit him with the x-spray, and he popped hot for explosives (he actually claimed it's because he was a farmer that he popped hot with the x-spray).

So, while the appropriate people were logging him into BATS/HIDES, my guys were able to identify a burster collar on the round he had placed. Basic ord ID, and it had the key ID features of a chem round. A swipe of the chem paper showed it was mustard, with a definitive lack of hot dog vendors in the AO. Four days later, the asphalt farmer (who's now in custody) had blisters all over his arms and chest exactly where you'd expect for where he'd have carried a mustard round. Tried blaming the x-spray for it, too.

My point is that guy didn't pick up the shell at a yard sale. When we had the initial barn storming in 2003, all the ordnance that Saddam was in possession of wound up getting looted by gen pop, just like the museum in Baghdad and anywhere else they could get in. That includes all the chem rounds that Saddam never got rid of after Gulf War 1.0. Thankfully, hajji usually didn't know what he had when the mustards found their way into IEDs.

And before you say that was a one off, I'll remind you that a couple of my brothers in the 710th, to include a couple of guys from the security element got bit by mustard while I was on that deployment, too. No WMDs my fat white ass.
If you listen to what Ms. Rice said she qualified her remarks that "at this time" this was the best assessment of what was happening and why.

From the transcript of her ABC appearance:

Not a single intelligent person should be quoting her "qualifying" statements. They were lies. If I knew it, then everyone knew it.

Sean Smith knew shit was going down. He posted it online hours before it began. There is no way this was not sent through channels once the embassy staff saw the "police" were casing the building and taking surveillance photos.

Please stop calling this arm chair quarterbacking and hindsight. This was information out in public before the attack occurred.

Sean Smith typing online with a friend September 11, 2012: “assuming we don’t die tonight. We saw one of our ’police’ that guard the compound taking pictures.”

His words were released that day when his friends realized the attack had begun. Twitter was lousy with chatter on the issue as the attack was happening. There was NO WAY the powers that be did not know what had happened and who was responsible. She lied. Period. Doesn't matter who made up the lie. She insisted it was true.
Had someone handed me that bullshit and told me to go in front of the press with it, I'd have gone alright. And I would have told the real story and then handed out the paper with the lie to let them know what bullshit they were supposed to be fed.

@Centermass is right. This isn't about politics, it's about the lives of several good men that were lost and accountability. By all sides.
PS Both Obama and Clinton said that responsibility for what happens ultimately ends with them. It certainly makes it a huge mistake for the administration but being responsible for a big fuck up doesn't make it a scandal. It makes it a mistake with the most severe consequences.

A little more information:

Wiki Post on No WMD in Iraq with 123 sources

Benghazi Wiki Page with 275 sources.

How much more information is out there and how much more is there to learn?

Still stuck on Bush......All I know, first hand, is we destroyed a chemical munitions stockpile in An Nasiriyah during DS. And that was only ONE DUMP. Fact. He used WMD's on his own people. Fact. All your wiki sources don't mean a damn thing. Just because no one found them doesn't mean they weren't there.

As it is, we're talking about the present day, one leadership failure after another and the lack of transparency this President promised as the cornerstone of his campaign promise over and over again. What is transparent is those that need to be held accountable and never show up.

In a video tape released a few hours before the attack, Zawahri called on the faithful to take revenge on the United States for liquidating one of the organization's top operatives, Libyan-born Abu Yahya al-Libi in June by a US drone in northwestern Pakistan. Its release was the "go" signal for the hit team to attack the US diplomats in Benghazi. To mask their mission, they stormed the consulate on the back of a violent protest by hundreds of Islamists against a film said to insult Prophet Muhammed produced by a Florida real estate agent called Sam Bacile, who has been described as of Israeli origin.

Seeing how you've been tap dancing around it and still haven't answered the question, I'll answer it for you.

Israeli intel released the above SEPTEMBER 12. 2012

And with the revelations pertaining to the NSA, how on earth that could be overlooked and the same story line delivered time and time again, for as long as it did, is beyond me. I'm not buying it for one second.

The tipping point for me was 2 fold. First, when a bumbling idiot, Miss "CYA" Rice got a promotion. Second, when that pompous, arrogant, non caring, self serving, sorry ass excuse for a sitting secretary of state made the proclamation of "What difference does it make?"

I guaran damn tee you if the shoe was on the other foot, and her precious daughter was the victim of a terrorist attack, the full brunt of every national asset we have in the inventory would have been brought to bear against those responsible.

And regarding Issa, are you that simple in the mindset of thinking anyone in either party was denied the opportunity to travel with him to Libya?

You're entitled to your POV scott. However, with that said, I know a little something about leadership and the lack of it with this administration. It's the only deficit larger than our negative budget.

Oh and one other thing. Regarding Clinton and OB claiming they are ultimately responsible, those are just words. Until you MAN THE FUCK UP AND DO SOMETHING THAT SHOWS IT ACTUALLY DOES, it is what it is.....LIP SERVICE, plain and simple.
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a. Why/how does Iraqi WMD tie in,
b. The no WMD in Iraq is wrong.

Because how many House committee's investigated no WMD in Iraq? Let me be even more clear, how many different House committee's investigated that event when their guy was in the White House. The answer is zero.

How many different House committee's investigated Benghazi when the other sides guy was in the White House. The answer is 5.

Their was no WMD found in Iraq that related to the argument that the White House made to invade Iraq. There was WMD found that came from the Iran/Iraq era and much of it was so depleted it needed lab testing to verify what it was because field testing didn't yield any results. I don't know about the gear today but when I was doing NBC Recon back in the 80's bug juice gave us positive results just to illustrate how ineffective they were. Remember we didn't invade Iraq to clean out Iran/Iraq era weapons. The administration argued about remotely piloted planes for dispensing chemical agents, mobile agent labs on trailers and everything else that Powell talked about at the UN. None of it was true and left over ineffective scrap doesn't fulfill the justification that lead us into that war.
Because how many House committee's investigated no WMD in Iraq? Let me be even more clear, how many different House committee's investigated that event when their guy was in the White House. ....

I don't know, it's an interesting question. Let's go to The Google:

Senate Select Committee on Intelligence's investigation, titled "POSTWAR FINDINGS ABOUT IRAQ’S WMD PROGRAMS AND LINKS TO TERRORISM AND HOW THEY COMPARE WITH PREWAR ASSESSMENTS" in 2006: http://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/CRPT-109srpt331/pdf/CRPT-109srpt331.pdf

A related one in 2004: http://web.mit.edu/simsong/www/iraqreport2-textunder.pdf

News story from June 2003:
The Senate Intelligence Committee (search) will investigate whether intelligence assessments about Iraq's weapons of mass destruction program -- used in part to justify the war -- were accurate, committee Chairman Pat Roberts, R-Kan., said Wednesday.

Closed-door hearings will begin next week.

"This is an important part of Congress' oversight and we welcome it," said White House press secretary Ari Fleischer.

Because how many House committee's investigated no WMD in Iraq? Let me be even more clear, how many different House committee's investigated that event when their guy was in the White House. The answer is zero.

How many different House committee's investigated Benghazi when the other sides guy was in the White House. The answer is 5.

Their was no WMD found in Iraq that related to the argument that the White House made to invade Iraq. There was WMD found that came from the Iran/Iraq era and much of it was so depleted it needed lab testing to verify what it was because field testing didn't yield any results. I don't know about the gear today but when I was doing NBC Recon back in the 80's bug juice gave us positive results just to illustrate how ineffective they were. Remember we didn't invade Iraq to clean out Iran/Iraq era weapons. The administration argued about remotely piloted planes for dispensing chemical agents, mobile agent labs on trailers and everything else that Powell talked about at the UN. None of it was true and left over ineffective scrap doesn't fulfill the justification that lead us into that war.
Bug Juice causes skin blisters?

You normally do a good job researching your posts; research fail you this time, forcing you to use talking points from the Democratic Underground web page?

Seriously, your arguing with folks who have 1st and 2nd hand knowledge.

A lack of Public pronouncements doesn't mean the stuff wasn't there, and potent.
He is right about the bug juice. It was one of the training aids that I encountered at the school house during BC... And I don't mean "Before Chow."

But that wasn't 15+ rounds filled with bug juice that bit the 710th...
I think he may be right about the false positive result from bug repellent and insecticides.
Ok, I agree. well documented and researched, all other posts, notsomuch.

IMHO - the count is something like:
Research conducted (in the field by BTDT's) 24 or so.
Inaccurate, un-researched Liberal posts: 24
Bug juice win: 1 :rolleyes:
Thread hijacks: 10

Back to Benghazi: not over with by a long shot.

Back to Libya....

This isn't going to help. Incidents like this muddy the waters and detract from what actually happened.


CBS correspondent Lara Logan apologized Friday and said the network was "wrong" for a "60 Minutes" report that raised questions about the Obama administration's response to last year's attack on the U.S. diplomatic compound in Benghazi, Libya. The assault left four Americans dead, including Ambassador Christopher Stevens.

That story cast doubt on whether the Obama administration sent all possible help to try to save Stevens and his three colleagues. The "60 Minutes" story was cited by congressional Republicans who have demanded to know why a military rescue was not attempted.