CSPAN: Live testimony by Clinton on Benghazi

Stand by for Jon Karl's IRS audit in 3-2-1...

Someone else besides a Fox News correspondent was grilling him?

Wow. That's a zinger in its own right.

Nothing like watching someone tap dance in front of the entire world. You go Jay. Just keep telling yourself "There's no place like home"

LOL. Yup. But you have to admit, the sight of Carney left to fend for himself is pretty amusing. He's trying to convince everyone that the White House isn't operating at Ace-Ventura-level buffoonery right now. Unfortunately when the Administration is bent over answering out their ass, it's a tough sell.
The Benghazi cover up was all about Hillary 2016 plain and simple.

She's still going to be President most likely, and after the tailspin Obama has put us into, the damage Hillary is going to do is going to take decades to recover from.
The Benghazi cover up was all about Hillary 2016 plain and simple.

She's still going to be President most likely, and after the tailspin Obama has put us into, the damage Hillary is going to do is going to take decades to recover from.
Good on her 2016 election.
The economy will tank in 2017 regardless of who is in the WH, let her deal with the fallout from the bomb she helped create.
Watched it on fox at stupid o clock while on duty the other night... very good indeed. I'm glad that those guys keep in touch with other and they have returned to some normality
I hope that this is the last we have to hear about it.

So what did it produce?

-The Clinton email server
-28 months of fuckall about Benghazi

I hope that this is the last we have to hear about it.

Fuckall about Benghazi? Really?

I suppose if you ever die under questionable circumstances, a 20 minute investigation would be in order.....

Jesus h christ on a crutch. :rolleyes: